6 years ago, 24 tweets, 13 min read Read on Twitter
NEXT UP from the CAT-e-GORY division:

Bear Cat (3) vs Tiger Quoll (7) #2019MMM
Although this battle consists of solo competitors, it does feature a tag team of commentators, namely moi & @AnneWHilborn #TagTeamBackAgain #2019MMM
Anne: So our Tiger Quoll is back & feeling rejuvenated after snacking on catbirds & having a front row seat to a Nimravid v Nimravid death match #DinnerTheater. #2019MMM
Asia: Meanwhile our #BadBabeBearCat chased away a nosy Macaque that got too close to her & her figs. *rustles papers*

So we're on bear cat territory tonight, in Sabah, Malaysia. Where are we specifically? #2019MMM
Anne: Looks like a partially logged forest fragment outside the Danum Valley Conservation Area. The bear cat might be at home, but once again the quoll finds himself in unfamiliar territory.

Asia: This must be annoying to the quoll. Anything familiar to anchor him? #2019MMM danum map
Anne: Well I guess you could say logging. This & other types of habitat destruction is a major threat to quolls in Australia.

Asia: What about the usual problems of feral cats/foxes?

Anne: Yup because all of these things, quolls are in trouble #2019MMM
google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j… conservation status
Asia: Sounds similar to the threats facing our bear cat. Logging, habitat destruction...but bear cats are also facing forests littered with snares & folks looking to catch them for meat & for the pet trade.

Huh. Rough to be a bear cat. #2019MMM
Anne: Sometimes it is really hard to stay optimistic as a conservation biologist. How do *you* do it?

Asia: Mmmm...I don't?

*Some shuffling & clearing of throats* #2019MMM
Anne: Well, I hear they are hoping to help the tiger quoll by regenerating the manna gum trees on 400 acres of Aboriginal land in a volcanic area known as Budj Bim in SE Australia.

Asia: Is that where they are dropping seeds from airplanes i.e SEED BOMBING???? 💣 #2019MMM
Anne: Yep, as well as using charcoal & pre-seeding burns in line with practices of the Gunditjmara people, the traditional owners of the land.

Asia: How long is that going to take to be effective?

Anne: *checks notes* Err 50 years #NotAQuickFix
Asia: Woof. Well, this tiger quoll ain't got 50 years. Looks like he's sniffing the air for something?

Anne: Might be looking for a latrine.

Although solitary, tiger quolls will all poop in the same area. It's kinda like a community message board.

Asia: Wow. #2019MMM
Anne: I prefer privacy myself...anyway...where's our bear cat?

Asia: She is...ah, there she is. On the ground. Looking for figs. Of course.

DYK that camera trap surveys have found that bear cats are actually pretty terrestrial? stephanieschuttler.com/binturong-the-… #2019MMM
Anne: I did not.

Asia: Learned something today.

Anne: Tiger quoll's headed that way. Maybe smells the bear cat's, uh, unique fragrance? I didn't know quolls liked popcorn. Wish we had some (gif not withstanding). #2019MMM
Asia: I have to say my money's on the bear cat tonight.

There's precedence & she's got a good 100 stoats on him in wgt. Plus she's a viverrid.

Anne: Well, right now that viverrid is busy chowing figs. And our quoll is...wait, where'd he go? #2019MMM
Asia: *touching ear* we lost the quoll?

We lost the quoll.

Anne: No, wait! There he is on the low branch. He's...creeping? What is he doing?

Asia: It looks like he's creeping. Can quolls creep?

Anne: Whatever it is, he's doing it. #2019MMM
Anne: Did he see the bear cat?

Asia: He must've. He's getting closer to it.

Anne: He looks...can a quoll look determined? That's what he's...

Asia: God he's got the high ground. Bear cat! Look up! Look up!!! #2019MMM
Asia: UH this is stressful. Does he think the bear cat is some sort of particularly shaggy wombat? Is that why he's stalking her?

Anne: Tiger quolls do hunt wallabies & wombats, but the bear cat is a BIG animal for a quoll to take on. earthtouchnews.com/natural-world/… #2019MMM
Asia: *whispers* maybe it's revenge for the 2017 defeat. #2019MMM
Anne: Well tiger quolls do have a very strong bite & really quite large canines. I do like a good set of canines. *eyes go a bit dreamy*

Asia: *hands clenched* ANNE would you focus here? The bear cat is IN DANGER
#2019MMM Pic=@gsciencelady
royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.10… quoll skull
Anne: The quoll's going for it!

I repeat, the quoll is going for the bear cat, he's...he's jumping on her & biting the back of her neck.

She's shaking him off!

Asia: Come on bear cat! You got this! #2019MMM
Anne: Looks like the bite was good, her fur has darkened, there's blood...but she's still moving.

Asia: That's right, snarl at that quoll! Get him!

Anne: The quoll doesn't look like he's going down without a fight.

He's snarling right back. #2019MMM
Asia: Leggo!....wait. Wait!

Anne: Oh my...

Asia: *throws headset, cursing incomprehensibly*

Anne: uh, so..wow.

Ok. The bear cat has, she's climbing up a tree.

She's 20, 30 ft in the air.

She's going after figs.

She's gone.

She's left the field of battle.

Asia: *voice muffled by distance* REDO!! #2019MMM
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