This is *riddled* with inaccuracy & misinformation.
@steelejourno says the West should force an opposition surrender in #Syria:…

- They seek to enable a meaningful political process, in which there’s an opposition entity to sit at the table. I’d say that is honorable.

In #Idlib, nothing could be further from the truth. None of those countries have *any* ties to rebel groups in #Idlib, who only equal ~0.5% of the population.

Did he miss Jamil Hassan’s statement about 3 million Syrians wanted on terrorism (i.e. death) charges? Or the mass arrest campaigns in “reconciled” areas? Seems so…

Yet the strategy was to make #Idlib the dumping ground. There’s nowhere to go next. So…

Umm. Try more than a million.
Talk about belittling the biggest forced civilian displacement in recent history. Truly shameful.

+ Zinki works in #Aleppo, not #Idlib.
Then he repeats the @RT line, by describing @SyriaCivilDefe as a rebel group. That’s both false & stupendously irresponsible.

- They gave up on that 4yrs ago. You won’t find a single rebel who “hopes” anything of the sort.

- "The idea that the #Syria authorities would kill civilians who return to government control makes little sense.”
Do some research - it’s been the norm for years.

The regime (& #Russia) is absolutely **desperate** for conscripts & “stabilization” requires *many* more.