The first installment is "The Signing: Negotiating the North Atlantic Treaty"
1) The Americans were convinced to pursue a treaty, not simply a "unilateral declaration" of American intent.
2) They decided to invite a few other countries to join the summer talks
1) Phrasing of the "mutual defense" clause
2) Membership, meaning the definition of "North Atlantic"
A big sticking point (so much so that the parties kept delaying making a final decision) was the status of Italy (🇮🇹)
Recall, the parties had just fought Italy during WWII. Also, Italy was disarmed as condition of the peace.
A compromise was reached by linking 🇮🇹 membership to Norway (🇳🇴) membership.
Both 🇺🇸& 🇬🇧wanted 🇳🇴 in, but 🇫🇷said that would make the pact "Arctic", not "Atlantic".
Including 🇮🇹brought geographic balance.…
Also, like @espn's "@30for30", I'll try to give each installment a nifty title! 😉