The medieval mystic, Julian of Norwich, had vision of Christ on the cross.
It has always made me gasp, feel a kind of via negativa of awe. The emotional reverse of feeling awe as beauty and wonder.
For as Christians are called to love the world and neighbors deeply, we are called to somehow embrace the suffering of the world equally as deeply.
That's ridiculous. Grief isn't a zero-sum game. Sadness and suffering aren't games of oneupmanship.
All that Julian saw in a flicker of time held on the Cross.
So, a plea: Be tender to one another in suffering. Let each hold what he or she or they can. Remembering that together we hold it all.
And that we are all held by God.
woven within it, yet seeing it,
seeing it whole. Every sorrow and desolation
He saw, and sorrowed in kinship.
--Denise Levertov