Coverin' up words and phrases and clauses.
Redaction faction, how'd you get traction?
I got three favorite scapegoats
That get most of my job done.
I got Muslims, immigrants, and socialists,
They'll get you pretty far.
Occluding connections & making them look right
Jr & Aglarov, Stone & Assange, Manafort & Kilimnik
*Hey, that's nice!*
Dirty but happy, digging and scratching,
If it's what you say I love it.
He's rich, not honest,
Sad! Not True!
Coverin' up crimes and winning elections
*Redaction faction, what gives satisfaction?*
Locking up Democrats like Comey and Clinton
*Redaction faction, that's some real putrefaction*
I'm gonna lock you up too if you're not really careful.