A few people asked for my slides, so figured I'd make a thread out of it. 1/
The primary audience was practicing ophthalmologists who are interested in AI -- hence all the eye imaging cases. But I hope it's interesting more broadly.
Highlights below. 6 questions we must learn to ask:
See arxiv.org/abs/1811.03695 and bmj.com/content/361/bm…

See @irenetrampoline and @david_sontag's brilliant arxiv.org/abs/1805.12002 and papers.nips.cc/paper/7613-why…

I was extremely impressed by the team at @EyeDiagnosis, of the first autonomous clinical AI system. These folks are the real deal, and are really leading the charge in an admirable way. (Underappreciated, IMO)
Also great seeing @DeepMind_Health, @GoogleAI, others!
Also want to thank Michael Abramoff for the invite and @Emily_Alsentzer and @zakkohane and rest of lab for feedback on slides.