Not only was DHS (CBP/ICE) harassing journalists, activists & attorneys, & spying on protests & activist groups last summer, but they received "intel" from private security firms & disseminated it: on the Family Separation Protests!……
& the info was unsolicited, but they were required to share it. 🤨
#BigBrothersTimeHasComeRoundAtLast #ShufflingTowardsWashingtonToBeBorn…
THAT'S how you avoid DHS!
This story, as you'll see a bit up thread, came out just a couple months ago. The @OversightDems we're looking into it....
Wonder whatever happened with that. 🤔
#DictatorsPlaybook #TooManyFascistsSpoilTheGulag
Let's see if this lawsuit nets NBC any information about CBP spying on journos, eh? We are talking about the lawless trump admin, so it's not likely, but you never know.……
“It cannot be a crime to advise asylum-seekers about their rights, or to report the government’s abuse of those rights," Azarmi told The Intercept. “DHS is criminalizing compassion."…
The letter on behalf of many, not only takes DHS to task about targeting journos & activists, but also for monitoring protests.…
Howe did admit that the US Border Patrol did team up w/Mexican authorities in part bc Mexican LEO's THOUGHT JOURNALISTS WERE HELPING MIGRANTS CROSS ILLEGALLY & WERE PARTICIPANTS IN VIOLENCE against CBP.
They were detained, shackled for hours, subjected to interrogation, passports flagged.
That's the crux of their abuse of power here, and Jeff Sessions, the mangy elf, gave it to them back in 2017.…
"It’s high time for a set of meaningful, Justice Department-style news media guidelines for CBP and its sister agency ICE.”