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From the Library of Congress: Here's a shot of Alice in July 1923. She is toasting the 75th anniversary of the first women's rights convention in 1848.

House Judiciary Committee chairman Steven Cohen: "We know that in the year 2019 it is unacceptable that women are not paid equal wages for equal work."
On ERA: "We know it is simple but fundamental guarantee of equality should be welcomed rather than feared."
He lifts his eyes to the ceiling and says:
"It's a possibility RBG is watching today and just to channel our president: Justice Ginsburg if your'e listening, get us the ERA."
This is false. But why?
Abortion is a right protected by the constitution already. It's a matter of privacy *not* equality. (see Roe v Wade)
"This impacts every single woman and man in this country," she says.
"Without constitutional protection, pay disparity will continue to be allowed in this country because of the high obstacle involved in showing there is intent to discriminate...
She addresses Republican Rep Johnson next, directly.