This week is the 2019 IAM Legislative Conference. Follow along with #IAMLegConf19 as we hear from allies on Capitol Hill and go out in force to lobby on issues that matter to working families.

☑️ Fair trade
☑️ Workers’ rights
☑️ Good jobs
☑️ Universal healthcare
☑️ Retirement security

- @SenSherrodBrown #IAMLegConf19

- Senator @amyklobuchar #IAMLegConf19

- @RepRubenGallego #IAMLegConf19

- Sen. @CoryBooker #IAMLegConf19

- Sen. @CoryBooker #IAMLegConf19

☑️ @RepJoeCourtney
☑️ @DonaldNorcross
☑️ @SenGillibrand
☑️ @JohnDelaney
☑️ @RepTimRyan
☑️ @sethmoulton
☑️ @RepVeasey
☑️ @SenSanders
Follow along with #IAMLegConf19!

- @JohnDelaney #IAMLegConf19

Amen, @SenGillibrand #IAMLegConf19

“How many times does this have to happen before we take over the economic and political system and make it work for us?” asks @RepTimRyan. #IAMLegConf19