Written by Bharatmuni c100 BC- 300 AD, #NatyaShastra, a treatise on #PerformingArts represent 8 different states (#AshtaNayika) of the Heroine in her relationship to her lover (#Nayak) in #Art, #Literature & #Music / #Dance form.
The thread.

Here, the heroine is depicted in Garden or her bedroom, waiting for her hero to return home.
This #Pahari painting from #Kangra, c1775, is now with @britishlibrary.
@DalrympleWill @JAJafri

The heroine (Utka) is the distressed #Nayika pining for lover who has failed to return home. Usually depicted sitting, standing, lying on a bed or out in the pavilion.
This c1700 #Pahari painting frm #Mankot, now @mfaboston

Khandita is an enraged #Nayika who is rebuking her lover who had promised to spend the night with her but instead comes to her house next morning.
From @brooklynmuseum c1800 #Pahari painting from #Punjab hills.

Associated with Raga Bhopali vocal music, this #Nayika waited for her lover the whole night but he has a tryst with another woman.
Artist #Kripal of #Basohli & #Nurpur made this painting c1660-70, now with @mfaboston.

The #Nayika's husband has gone away for some work and has failed to arrive home on the appointed day. The mourning #Nayika refuses to be consoled by her maids.
From @brooklynmuseum c1800 AD.

Setting aside her modesty, defying all odds like lightning, snakes & dangers of the forrest, this #Nayika is often portrayed in a hurry towards her destination.
By #MolaRam, c1800 #Pahari painting from #Nurpur, now in @mfaboston