
Lab 28% -5
Con 22% -4
Brexit 21% +4
LibDem 11% +5
Green 6% +2
ChUK 4% ±0
(Change since 21-23 Apr)
Lab 27% -6
Brexit 20% +6
Con 19% -4
LibDem 14% +7
Green 5% +2
ChUK 7% -2
(Change since 16 Apr)
Approve of way Theresa May is handling job as PM 20%, Disapprove 60%
Approve of way Jeremy Corbyn is handling job as Labour leader 19%, Disapprove 61%
Approve of way Nigel Farage is handling job as Brexit Party leader 31%, Disapprove 40%
Approve of way Heidi Allen is handling job as ChangeUK interim leader 14%, Disapprove 24%
Theresa May 19%
Jeremy Corbyn 18%
None of these 55%
Don't know 9%
Go ahead with Brexit even if it means leaving with "no deal" 46%
Cancel Brexit & decide to remain in EU after all 33%
Delay Brexit further until we have greater idea of what type of Brexit would get most support 12%
Don't know 9%
Leave EU with "no deal" on 31 Oct 47%
Delay Brexit and hold a public vote on what to do next 41%
Don't know 11%
Remain 46%
Leave with deal 35%
Don't know 9%
Wouldn't vote 10%
Supportive of a Brexit where UK has a clear break from EU 40%
Supportive of remaining in EU 39%
Supportive of a Brexit where UK is closely aligned with EU 12%
Don't know 9%
A Brexit where UK has a clear break from EU: Acceptable 27%, Unacceptable 61%
UK remaining in EU: Acceptable 19%, Unacceptable 74%
A Brexit where UK is closely aligned with EU: Acceptable 44%, Unacceptable 46%
Britain needs a strong leader willing to break the rules: Agree 62%, Disagree 19%
Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party are probably a flash in the pan and will not break the mould of the existing party system: Agree 47%, Disagree 23%