Yes, I know...NOT pleasant. You may ask yourself why your family and friends suddenly smell like Walmart.
Bear with me.
Go back to the first days of August 2016. You travel to London to interview Australian diplomat Alexander Downer about his conversation with George Papadopolous on August 10th.
This is what he tells you:
You have no reason to doubt Downer’s story. He’s a senior diplomat of a “Five Eyes” country.
You investigate Papadopolous and learn that he has no ties to Russia.
However, your investigation does reveal he has extensive ties to Israel.
Months go by and there are personnel changes within the FBI Counterintelligence Division.
The acting Deputy Assistant Director in CD3 runs a confidential informant and a FBI agent (Stef Halper and “Azra Turk”) at Papadopolous.
They strike out.
You suspect Papadopolous was tipped off. And who tipped him off? The Israelis, most likely. Possibly Mike Flynn.
What about that guy, Adam Lovinger, over at the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) who lodged complaints about Halper’s contracts?
When exactly did Lovinger take that “unauthorized” trip to Israel again?…

Her arrival couldn’t have come soon enough because the Clinton email investigation is reopened the following day.…
In January 2017, you make sure Adam Lovinger gets his security clearance pulled to prevent Flynn from appointing him to the National Security Council.
You’re also busy in your role as part of the perjury trap for Mike Flynn.
Nevertheless, being Peter Strzok, you would like to know what going on with the investigation of “this country.” (The country you dare not even text the name of. )
Ok. Now you can stop making those weird faces. You are no longer Peter Strzok.
This thread was a summation of several threads I’ve written over the last 2 years. While it turns out that I was correct there were at least 2 countries being investigated, Russia & Israel, it’s impossible to know if my reasoning was correct until more info is revealed.
There was also a Flynn/FARA investigation at some point. So it’s possible that Turkey is “this country.”
In this proposed scenario I’m aware I didn’t address some important topics.
I do have some theories on FISA warrants, but it would take a lot of explanation and weigh down the brief narrative I was attempting to construct. Better saved for another thread.
I also didn’t address why PapaD wasn’t officially interviewed by the FBI until January 2017 for similar reasons.
As for the question - when did the investigation of PapaD’s and his Israeli connections begin?
He claims it began in 2015 over his energy ties to Israel. That seems like a stretch to me.
Which agency supposedly authorized the spying in that scenario? I don’t believe Obama was THAT interested in pipelines.
What mattered most to Obama in the waning days of his presidency was the Iran Deal. It was his legacy. (And, for that matter, the Iran Deal is what mattered most to Bibi Netanyahu.)
I could see Obama authorizing spying if he thought it could preserve that deal. In his mind it would be a defensive, rooting out of Israeli spies.
It’s difficult to see how PapaD was seen as a threat to the Iran Deal in 2015.
Some people believe the FARA investigation of PapaD began with the acceptance of the 10 grand from Charles Tawil.
In that scenario the Israel/FARA investigation starts too late. It treats the intrigue in the Office of Net Assessment in 2016 as unrelated. They are connected, I believe.
I lean toward the FARA investigation beginning after the Downer tip.
You can see why this is so difficult for former FBI & DOJ officials to explain.
How do you explain the Downer tip turning into a FARA investigation of Israel and, at the same time, being the predicate for an investigation of the Trump campaign and Russia?
No doubt Obama believed Flynn was linked to “Israeli government-connected intelligence outfits.” He saw Flynn as a threat to the Iran Deal.
Now you’re probably thinking (I’m addressing you as you and not you as Peter Strzok) -- “great, now we can arrange everyone into two categories: All the bad guys belong in the FBI, Obama, anti-Israel faction. All the good guys in the opposite camp.”
James Comey gave a speech to the Anti-Defamation League the day prior to his firing.…
Currently Steinbach is an “expert” with the Washington Institute of Near East Policy (WINEP).…

WINEP is the most hardcore of the neo-con think tanks. Just check out some of the names on the advisory board: Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Joe Lieberman, Edward Luttwak, “Bud” McFarlane…
It’s confusing, I know. I’m still working it out.
There are many possible Spygate narratives based on the information we have. The one you see on Fox News is just one of them.
End for now.
More to follow