But the more list items apply to you, the more confident I am that your release process is *seriously* dragging you down.
It is hard to recognize and evaluate the true impact of costs that are amortized over time.
🌪🌧They think this is just how building software feels.🌧🌪
"we abstractly know it's important, so we are going to let some engineers go off for months and write a lot of software that doesn't actually connect to any real need, but does sound cool"
The return on investment is just astronomically high if you get people deploying faster with more confidence. The sooner the better. It's like AAPL stock circa y2k.
Lastly, some super subjective observations on great release engineers and effective release engineering. (Warning: my sample size is not large.)
They are instrumentation obsessed. If they looked at it, they left it instrumented,
(but this describes my attitude towards new code too, so perhaps a bias 😉)