107 days starts....now.
Trains today have been accumulating 15-20 minutes of delays between Arlington Cemetery and National. BL > YL impacted.
* Some elevated trip times
* Shuttle buses mostly on time
* ~150 bus shuttles used, 9 added for afternoon rush
* ~2,200 riders on Blue Line shuttles in AM
* Councilman Aguirre asks staff to get them stats on shuttle ops, incl # buses that got lost. Staff mentions shuttle on-time performance to show up about a day after
* Saw some higher than expected headways during peak-of-the-peak at some Yellow Line stations
* Additional Bikeshare rebalancing being done during the shutdown in Alexandria
* ALX says MWAA working w/CaBi for possible station @ DCA
* "Given what we were faced with I think it was a successful day" - @justindotnet - says heard people discovering new travel options