Here is a detailed post on that -…
Sounds like a big claim?
Read on...
Also, the new pricing is based on audience size and not email list size.
This pricing structure makes no sense for email marketers.
This is more like an overage fee attached to every pricing tier.
If you exceed the contact or email limit then you will have to pay additional charges on your extra usage (contd...)
If you are legacy pricing user & stick with Mailchimp, then you will eventually have to move to the new pricing and that pricing is not meant for email marketing.
Earlier Mailchimp had unlimited emails (at no extra cost) for up to 52,000 subscribers. Unfortunately, that is also gone.
A lot of email marketers send much more emails than what is allowed by Mailchimp right now.
The questions you need to ask is: Do you have to force that on yourself?
IMHO, this is an offer every email marketer must politely refuse.