Truth: This 1st grader will live longer, be better educated, have much higher income + opportunities
And while sea levels will rise, a richer world will mean *fewer* flooded…

(she will actually be richest if we keep using fossil fuels)
These are the official UN Climate Panel scenarios, described here:…

(they will be dramatically richer if they are allowed to continue to use fossil fuels)……

But we know how to handle it (Holland). And even poor Bangladeshis will be richer than the Dutch in 2100.
So we can afford protection
Cost are trivial part of income (0.02%), and *fewer* people will be flooded than today…

4% reduction of 500-1,500% increase is not a catastrophe
(here update from Climate Nobel Nordhaus)…

It is a problem (2-4%) not the end-of-the-world
On the other hand, policies to avert climate change could easily cost us $trillions…
I don't blame her — she is as scared as everyone else
I blame the adults that are scaring her, misinforming her and promoting her