You've probably heard from many wise people in this business that as humans, we aren't wired to be good investors.
"In investing, you are your worst enemy," they say.
Why is this useful? Well, one of the ways to become profitable is to find the few successful ones and learn from them.
Basically a bipolar analysis. Why is this important?
"Strong opinions, weakly held."
When beginners speculative in assets such as cryptocurrency, you will rarely see "the ability to hold two opposed ideas" from such investors?
They are basically a part of a cult. True believers, which would never even bother analyzing the other side of their bet.
Basically, everywhere you look, you only see what you want to see. The most famous blog guilty of this, in the field of finance, is probably @zerohedge.
And yes, it's business for them. Negative news attracts more attention and attention in social media = income (advertising, etc). This is their job.
During every expansionary period, there are plenty of reasons to worry. That is why they say markets climb a wall of worry.
They fall in love with the fast-growing companies they own, a precious metal they hold, a digital currency they believe in has better technology then all others, etc, etc.
Do not fall in love with the SaaS or FANG companies you own, the index fund that's been rallying for a decade & kind to your P&L, the promise of making 100X on the next Silicon Valley unicorn.
Those investments don't love you back.
In plain English, one piece of information that you have a bias towards and let it affect your decision making — instead of taking onboard everything in front of you.
They got this amazing analog from 1929 or 1987 that tells you how the current market environment is following it super closely, and therefore we are about to repeat the mega-crashes of the past.
Basically framing a chart of various indicators which work perfectly from, say 2006 until today... but if you go further out, that correlation breaks down. They won't tell you it's misleading, so you have to do your homework.
You have investors who have been correctly bullish during this bull market.
Keep an open mind at all times.
E.g. The mastermind group of investors you talk with & follow are all-in on crypto, SV startups, FANGs, US only index funds, etc.
Make your social media feed balanced. You don't need so-called "yes-men" around you, giving you confirmation bias all the time.
After all, the primary job of an investor is to NEVER lose money. Just ask Mr. Buffett.
You got people in this field who are so smart, they think they can beat the market and outsmart it every single time. However, the old saying on Wall Street is:
"Markets are never wrong, people often are."
They will claim they've got the holy grail.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
But how well do you understand yourself? How well can you control your emotions?
"You are your worst enemy. Your job as an investor is not to be right, but to be profitable."