(1) Barr will hold a presser at 9:30AM tomorrow—before reporters can read the Report—to give his gloss on it. (His last gloss was *political*.)
(2) Pompeo—Trump's right-hand man—was seen leaving DOJ right before the Barr announcement.
...has *already been released*. This is incredible, and stretches the bounds of legality. (h/t @JYSexton)

Turns out it's going off the rails *tonight*.
Hence this live thread. Please consider retweeting my pinned tweet so that people can follow along and stay informed on this historic (and historically upsetting) night.
(1) Collusion by conspiracy (a crime)*
(2) Collusion by other crimes (a crime)*
(3) Noncriminal collusion (a national security threat)*
(4) Noncriminal collusion (an ethical offense)
Link: justice.gov/storage/report…
More coming very soon...
More coming very soon...
Barr didn't note *that*.
Wow. Mueller anticipated the Trump-Barr line of political rhetoric and fully defused it in the first *two pages* of his Report. That's something *else* we never heard from Barr.
I find it odd Mueller would think to note "Trump later said" his "Russia, if you're listening" comment was "sarcastic." That's not exculpatory—as that it was said *after* Trump was told his comment was a problem.
(1) FARA
(2) Campaign finance crimes
(3) Conspiracy
This is a pretty narrow window into which Mueller looked, though it *does* seem to cover Illegal Solicitation of Foreign Campaign Donations.
(2) DOJ policies on attorneys and media
(3) Legal privilege protected by "taint team" review
Don't lose sight of that.
We still have *twenty* pending federal and state investigations into Donald Trump, his family, his aides, his advisers, his allies, and his associates.
...it's almost all redacted.
As I predicted. As so many of us predicted.
...even as Trump told Cohen his candidacy was an "infomercial" for his business.
So as of fall 2015, Russian *government* was explicitly trying to link up to the Trump *campaign* to talk about business deals for Trump. And what did Trump do? Expressed interest.
Trump is compromised.
Wow...this is so...hamfistedly obvious. Trump and Putin to meet secretly about getting Trump a tower he needs to lift sanctions to get.
A second reminder: if you don't want to see this thread, isn't is *amazing* that Twitter created a mute button for you—instead of forcing you to whinge?
In deciding to bring him aboard a presidential candidate's... national security team.
...and then *fire* Papadopoulos for giving the interview they approved?
The Mayflower Speech is the speech during which Trump formally established his foreign policy toward Russia, and we knew it was partly written and edited by Kremlin agents but we didn't know about Page.
And now here we are reading a report that underscores that Steele is just as good at intel as MI6 always thought.
...fired him and had *Flynn* carry on the very same negotiations.
My god, these people.
1) Hicks learns there's a law enforcement investigation into Page and Russia.
2) The campaign knew Page had contacts with Russia.
3) Hicks told staff to tell *everyone*—that'd include law enforcement—the campaign knew nothing of Page's contacts.
Still no crime, right?
...on the day Trump and Flynn were briefed about Russia's attacks on America and attempts to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
The. Exact. Same. Day.
Simes—Putin's "friend."
(If a man can't tweet a few hundred times to help spread the word about the most important U.S. political news of his lifetime, how damn cynical have we gotten? Friends—I don't fear *embarrassment* when the stakes here are way *way* beyond my *feelings*.)
Don Jr. speaks of Clinton dirt to:
(1) Manafort
(2) Kushner
(3) Ivanka
(4) Hope Hicks
(5) Eric Trump
He lies about Clinton dirt *for a year* to:
(6) Donald J. Trump—his dad, the man who's going to leave him billions, and the GOP president candidate
...but the report concludes there's *insufficient evidence* that Trump himself was told.
But, you know... *facts*.
Denman told Mueller that Gordon said he was on a call with Trump—on the RNC platform change—and Trump wanted the change. Gordon said he might've mentioned Trump told him he wanted the change.
Equals: "did not establish" Trump wanted change.
How many did? Zero.
Sessions *would have remembered*. (And had *several* contacts.)
...he got Trump's #1 *unofficial* national security guy, Michael Flynn, to his house. In fact, he did that back in December of *2015*.
At a time the Kremlin needed hard data to target its propaganda campaign.
Just read those sentences a few times, I beg you.
Those are the two options.
Now you understand how little overlap there is between PROOF OF CONSPIRACY and the Report I'm reading and live-tweeting right now. Very little at all. Which is... shocking.
Just want people to know—as it looks like this is the only way anyone will get the info. amazon.com/Proof-Conspira…
Indict him.
The conspiracy witnesses lied and destroyed evidence. Period.
They never got asked.
No one's *ever* explained how we can have a president who was compromised the moment he started doing secret business deals with the Kremlin mid-campaign and *lied to voters about it*.
Collusion (conspiracy): impeachable and a crime
Collusion (other crimes): impeachable and a crime
Collusion (national security threat): impeachable
Collusion (ethical violation): not impeachable and not a crime*
*Political issue only.
Goodnight, all.