Once it is transcended, Reality shines forth.
and even the "I" to which they occur is imagination itself.
When the wrong identification of oneself with the body ceases, the Master will be found as none other than the Self.
RM: Hold d ego first & then ask how it is to be destroyed. Who asks this qn ? It’s d ego.
Can d ego ever agree to kill itself ? This qn is a sure way to cherish d ego & not to kill it. If you seek d ego u will find it doesn’t exist.
The only way the problems get dissolved is, as soon as they arise, they are merely witnessed.
Ramesh Balsekar
RM: find out whether there is such a thing as mind. If there is, describe it."
I stood still, not knowing what to say. Muruganar explained to me, "Don't you see? You have been initiated in the search for the Self."
When it is certain that you must die one day,
why don’t you die now when you are still alive,
(i.e. let all your likes and dislikes be dead to you and remain as you really are, devoid of all vasanas).
- Brahmajna Ma
of All That Is, forever free.
Your only bondage is
not seeing This.
Ashtavakra Gita
Who then says “I”?
Ramana Maharshi
At death they are hard and stiff.
When plants are alive they are soft and delicate.
When they die, they wither and dry up.
Therefore, the hard and stiff are followers of death.
The gentle and soft are the followers of life.
Lao Tzu
Simply stop getting involved in the stories of your thoughts.
Jac O'Keeffe
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Ramana Maharshi
as self-created and break the chains
of attachment and revulsion.
Anandamayee Maa
Die yourself and lose yourself, becoming one with love.
without past and future
and your personality dissolves.
-- Nisargadatta Maharaj
There have been those people, who know the secrets, the answers to life, to the mysteries of life.
Yet they can do nothing for u until u can find out yourself who u really are
Robert Adams
They are your own thoughts,
just kick them out!
that should be done in a particular position at a particular time. It is an awareness & an attitude
that must persist through the day.
The more pious it seems,
the worse the betrayal!
It is worthless if you become neurotic because you cant get a prestigious job.
It is worthless if u weep because u lose ur girlfriend."
Kodo Sawaki
nor the active mind,
Nor bondage, nor liberation,
affects you at all.
Why then, my dear,
do you grieve in this way?
You and I have no name or form.
(1) Brahman is real,
(2) The universe is unreal, &
(3) Brahman is the universe.
the third explains the other two. It signifies that the universe is real if perceived as the Self, & unreal if perceived apart from the Self. Hence Maya & Reality are one & the same.
M: What else can be the cause of this universal search for pleasure? Does a happy man seek happiness? How restless people are, how constantly on the move! It is because they are in pain that they seek relief in pleasure.
Robert Adams
House, Wife, Body, Parents, Gods. Let Go.
What is left? What cannot go? That you ARE!
You cannot go because you have never come
and anything that comes must go.
Find out what it is.
Onto the screen of the mind destiny forever projects its pictures, memories of former projections & thus illusion constantly renews itself.
The pictures come & go - light intercepted by ignorance.
See the light & disregard the picture.
They do not know that their own mind IS the void.
Huang Po
~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Ramana Maharshi.
It is freedom itself calling you.
This desire will take you to where it rises from:Self.
All other desires will burn in this fire.
Ramana Maharshi.
I do not wish to think about them
but yet they attack me from all directions.
Where do they come from?
Who thinks these thoughts?
I do.
What is the source of the ‘I’?
Where does the ‘I’ come from who thinks these thoughts?”
fundamentally nothing but
a concentration of dancing
energy patterns,
in direct relationship with all other organized fields of rhythm,
it is an obvious absurdity,
to think that there can be any such thing as a separate personal identity of any kind
Mental problems feed on the attention that you give them. If you ignore them, they lose their power and finally vanish.
Annamalai Swami
You can shut the mouth of a bear or a tiger;
You can ride a lion;
You can play with the cobra;
You can be ever youthful;
You can walk on water and live in fire;
But control of the mind is more difficult.
It wants you to become attached to things.
Your mind appears to be very strong.
It will tell you all sorts of things to keep you attached.
There are very few people who break out of it.
Nisargadatta: Yes, there is something that may be called the memory body, or causal body, a record of all that was thought, wanted and done. It is like a cloud of images held together.
Ramana Maharshi: There must be someone to go there. They are like dreams.
Lahiri Mahasaya (took mahasamadhi on 26th sept, 1895) cc @sanjeevsanyal

escape, however ugly, however brutal. Watch without choosing, weighing, judging, without giving direction or letting thought take root in
the mind. Watch relentlessly."
J Krishnamurti
You are at last at peace.
And so it is said, "Joy is hidden beneath sorrow."
The sleeping man becomes a yogi. Each night he unconsciously performs the yogic rite of releasing himself from bodily identification, dipping into the reservoir of cosmic energy
You have to check at the arising point of the mind itself. You just stay there, where the mind is arising. Mind is a thought. 'I' arises, everything arises. Before 'I', people report that they don' t see anything, which is peace, beauty, love."
RM: Who is the meditator? Ask that question first. Remain as the meditator, then there is no need to meditate. It is the sense of doership that is the impediment to dhyana.
and hence you should never allow either household or social affairs to intrude into the holy precincts of your mind,
where only Parama-Shiva should reign supreme,
showering peace and bliss upon you.
~ Swami Ramakrishnananda
What u get easily is like mother’s milk, what u get on asking is like water, what u get on snatching is like blood
RM: Forget religion. Observe people. Most of them are busy serving their body & mind. You think they are serving their religion?