Tonight we ride like never before.
We will storm the first Dem debate and rain memes down upon the Libs. No campaign will be able to get their message out.
Here is the info you need:
Official TV broadcast: NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo
Free live stream:, NBC News apps, Telemundo, NBC News' Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Prepare the memes
We want Bernie
Beto is a furry
All of it
A complete and total shock and awe barrage for two hours
The Dems will quake with fear, confused and outnumbered as our memes blot out the sun and rain doom upon them
Here is her state bar of texas registration listing her claim to be a native american

Keep the Faith
Hold the Line
Own the Libs
God willing we'll turn back these godless communist hordes
Twitter released updated rules for tonight and Dem Debates going forward.
Definitely worth reading…