A verbal base derived from a primary root by adding the suffix सन् san in the sense of ‘desire to’. For example: from the primary root वच् vac meaning ‘to speak’ we get विवक्ष् vivakṣ (desire to speak) which is a desiderative verbal base. 11/3
पिपठिषति pipaṭhiṣati from पिपठिष् pipaṭhiṣ ‘desire to study’ (primary root पठ् paṭh). जिज्ञासति jijñāsati from जिज्ञास् jijñās ‘desire to know’ (primary root ज्ञा jñā). 11/4
पिपासा pipāsā – drink
बुभुक्षा bubhukṣā – eat
मुमुक्षा mumukṣā – be liberated
शुश्रुषा śuśruṣā – hear / attend
दिदृक्षा didṛkṣā – see
चिकीर्षा cikīrṣā – do
जिज्ञासा jijñāsā – know
पिपासा is पिपासु pipāsu
बुभुक्षा is बुभुक्षु bubhukṣu
मुमुक्षा is मुमुक्षु mumukṣu
शुश्रुषा is शुश्रुषु śuśruṣu
दिदृक्षा isदिदृक्षु didṛkṣu
विवदिषा is विवदिषु vivadiṣu
चिकीर्षा is चिकीर्षु cikīrṣu
जिज्ञासा is जिज्ञासु jijñāsu
Verbal base derived from a primary root by adding the suffix णिच् ṇic in the sense of causing someone to do something. Example: we get कारि kāri (to cause somebody to do), a causative verbal base from the primary verbal base कृ kṛ (to do).11/7
पाठयति pāṭhayati
पाययति pāyayati
हासयति hāsayati
नर्तयति nartayati
गाययति gāyayati
खेलयति khelayati
चालयति cālayati
वादयति vādayati
उपवेशयति upaveśayati
उत्थापयति utthāpayati
दर्शयति darśayati
श्रावयति śrāvayati
Verbal base derived by adding the suffix यङ् yaṅ in the sense of intensification or repetition of the same action. Example: बोभूय् bobhūy (to be intensely or again and again), a frequentative verbal base from the primary root भू bhū (to be). 11/9
भू bhū भूय bhūya बोभूयते bobhūyate
ज्ञा jñā ज्ञाय jñāya जाज्ञायते jājñāyate
कृ kṛ क्रिय kriya चेक्रीयते cekrīyate
ज्वल् jval ज्वाल jvāla जाज्वल्यते jājvalyate
पा pā प्याय pyāya पेपीयते pepīyate
घ्रा ghrā घ्रीय ghrīya जेघ्रीयते jeghrīyate
This is another type of frequentative derived by dropping the suffix यङ् yaṅ. In this type we get बोभू bobhū (to become intensely) from the primary base भू bhū(to be). बोभवीति bobhavīti bobhaviti is the 3rd person singular form in present tense. 11/11
जन् jan ‘to be born’ जञ्जनीति jañjanīti
द्युत् dyut ‘to shine’ देद्युतीतिdedyutīti
फुल् phul ‘to blossom’ पंफुलीतिpaṁphulīti
शी śī ‘to sleep’ शेशयीति śeśayīti
हन् han ‘to kill’ जघनीति jaghanīti
श्वि śvi 'to swell' शेश्वयीति śeśvayīti