Blatant denial would mean not questioning the coincidence. ...Or perhaps, you are meant to do just that!

You believe something that's untrue and you question something that is true. Or you allow something to be both true AND untrue at the same time. This type of mental conditioning is something that-
It's described in the screen cap below.
(CREDIT: cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/su…)


In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, books are outlawed and destroyed in an effort to keep society in check. People are only to believe what they're told and not ask "why."

Fans uncover hints, which leads them to books, which leads them to new information and, perhaps, ways of thinking.

But one of the most powerful things you can do with a message is put it out there & let people think about it for themselves.
You don't tell them what to think or how to think, but give them the opportunity to do so independently.

It might manifest in how intelligently, and freely the fandom thinks. In how we question things and weigh what information we choose to accept. We might quietly be a "MIC DROP" moment.