He performed magical ceremonies google 'the babalon working' with rocket scientist Jack Parsons a Thelemite follower of Alesteir Crowley.
The man who called himself the beast 666! WAKE THE FUCK UP!🌍

If you buy the moon lie, the alien lie, 911 lie, or if you like The Beatles, Jay Z, Gaga, David Bowie, most music or watch the beast 666 has your 🧠 🐑

Apollo the sun god of NASA (thanks to Thelemite magick of Jack Parsons)
Donald Trumps apartment dedicated to Apollo.
They are masters at getting pawns to fight other pawns. SMH🔴🔵

Same thing today, left & right is The Socialist Uniparty. Mystery Babylon.
Your leaders, have the puppet strings by applying the Hegelian dialectic on your mind.

Bill Cooper

They can be seen manifesting in the smoke during the magick ritual known as 9/11

He & his disciples who practice the mystery religion of Babylon are mesmerizing the minds of 🐑.
Behold a Pale Horse was an apt title of that book considering who's behind this.

Do the opposite, see pic.
If anyone automatically rejects or accepts this they probably aren't thinking. Weigh it all up.
🇺🇸 unite, uphold & defend the constitution against all enemies foreign & domestic.

The hierarchy directing this minority of useful idiots are working together to destroy nations.
We need to do what's never been done, us pawns must free our minds & unite, save the constitution or history will repeat.