Epstein & his ilk, including the hierarchy of intelligence agencies practice an ancient mystery religion, the bible calls it Mystery Babylon.
It has many denominations. It controls those involved via blackmail & demonic possession. I'll prove this....
This is as dark as it gets.
For example Giuseppe Mazzini was a member of this religion, he created the Mafia (Mazzinis association for insurrection & assassination) his lodges spawned others "solely to manipulate politicians, bankers, generals & admirals."●

Max energy, the "purest" & "greatest force" he wrote comes from virgins, preferably an intelligent male child.●

The bed in his apartment where this 'sex magick' took place he called "the altar"

At the end I'll post a link proving demonic possession in their religion & explaining where George Bush' "1000 points of light" came from....
The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands." -Manly P. Hall, 33rd "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry" page 48●

Jay Z, Beyonce & Church of Satan's Anton Lavey....

Apotheosis = man becoming god.
"Ye shall be as gods" Satan (genesis)

You'll learn about 1000 points of light.
Osiris, possesses the initiate "let me enter into the house of his body...behold he has become one of the gods.... one of the 1000 points of light."
Secret societies, human sacrifice, terrorism & socialism go hand in hand.
It was French Freemasonry's reign of terror that coined the words 'terrorist' & 'terrorism' -
Know the past, know the future.
They want Americans disarmed.
They always commit genocide against defenceless populations.
God bless you.

Don't get caught up with the names different peoples gave to the same entity....
Man was given forbidden knowledge from a non human entity that lead to the rise of civilization....
There's no going back. When your eyes are opened you can never forget it.
Manly P. Hall – Lectures on Ancient Philosophy.
Rise patriots.