If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 1---- Aug 3rd
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 2---- JUL 30th.
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 3----JUL 28th
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 4---- AUG 4th
If you don't agree with our opinion, the iron fist of Hong Kong nativism will crash you 4---- AUG 4th
They don't allow the journo (from Ta Kung) who has a different opinion to take photos.
A woman have been attracted , since she complained about holding an American flag in the protest.
They lynched the journalist from Global Times just because he supports HKPF.
Fu Guohao, reporter of GT website have been lynched. they fund an HKPF supporting blue shirt in his bag, it gives them a good reason to lynch other ppl, just because they believe different things.
Part 1
Fu Guohao, reporter of GT website have been lynched. they fund an HKPF supporting blue shirt in his bag, it gives them a good reason to lynch other ppl, just because they believe different things.
Part 2
I support HK police, you can beat me now.
Yes, those mobs are seriously beating him.
this is the reason.
When Fu Guohao was on the stretcher lost consciousness, there is a mob waving the US flag and beat him again.
Hello Sponsor!!
Via @凯雷
I thought this video was taken in an execution ground. as if they are saying "you are a journo from Mainland, you can't take a photo with our permission". HK-style censorship. Thank god, they were still in Police Headquarters.
I couldn't decide which series it should be put, this thread or HKer teach you how to bully one. Since @WeiDuCNA confirmed "they called her Wumao(五毛), troll paid by CCP”, maybe here is better
we don't like your words. BUT it gives us a good reason to attack you.
summary: 1 it's an event organized temperately; 2 the reason why they choose IFC is most of Gangpiaos were hired by the law firm/ investment bank/company on the HK Stock Exchange office

A famous self-hating Chinese Journalist faced her first censorship in the so-called press-free world, just because she speaks mandarin. They choose the media which can benefit them.
Do ppl still remember that Chinese diplomat who was beaten by religion police in Iran for her inappropriate scarf wearing. I just read a similar story.