

#DeviBhagwat 1.4

#Devibhagwat 1.6

Adham give Bhog.
Rajsik Uttam stories are about your own, madhyam about common & Adham about other's.
Tamsik Uttam stories are about killing of cruel, Madhyam about killing for enmity & Adham killing for no reason.
#Devibhagwat 1.7 #Devi

वम्री meaning Deemak or termite
अयुत meaning 10,000
#devibhagwat 1.17

#chambal #rivers

#DeviBhagwat 1.19

Some things never change :-)
#DeviBhagwat 1.18
#DeviBhagwat 2.6

#DeviBhagwat 2.11

#DeviBhagwat 3.4 #Devi

#DeviBhagwat 3.4 #gandharva #LOTD

प्रध्वंसाभाव - one that has a beginning, but no end
#DeviBhagwat 3.6 #Sanskrit

वायु - शब्द + स्पर्श
अग्नि - शब्द + स्पर्श + रूप
जल - शब्द + स्पर्श + रूप + रस
पृथ्वी - शब्द + स्पर्श + रूप + रस + गंध
पंचमहाभूत or the 5 elements that this universe and 8400000 species are made up of.
#DeviBhagwat 3.7 #universe

मेदिनी - मधु कैटभ के मेद से बनी
धरा - धारण करने की शक्ति रखने वाली
पृथ्वी - विस्तार के योग्य
मही - महनीय होने के कारण
Mountains are like the nails that hold the earth hence - महिधर
#DeviBhagwat 3.13 #Earth

#DeviBhagwat 3.18

#DeviBhagwat 3.19

#travel #Varanasi #Kashi

1 year old - NA, faculty to smell not developed
2YO - कुमारिका
3YO - त्रिमूर्ति
4YO - कल्याणी
5YO - रोहिणी
6YO - कालिका
7YO - चंडिका
8YO - शांभवी
9YO - दुर्गा
10YO - सुभद्रा
+ If they start menstruating before 10 - NA
#DeviBhagwat 3.26

#DeviBhagwat 4.1

#DeviBhagwat 4.5

#DeviBhagwat 4.8

Are you water, air or fire?
#DeviBhagwat 4.14

@bibekdebroy @RohiniBakshi @NileshOak @ArchitectRupa
#DeviBhagwat 4.20

#DeviBhagwat 4.21

#DeviBhagwat 4.24

#DeviBhagwat 4.25

#DeviBhagwat 5.1

#Devibhagwat 5.10

#DeviBhagwat 5.12

#DeviBhagwat 5.16

#DeviBhagwat 5.20

#DeviBhagwat 5.27

#DeviBhagwat 5.27

#DeviBhagwat 6.4

#DeviBhagwat 6.4

#DeviBhagwat 6.10

Dharma + Artha Seekers - Treta
Dharma + Artha + Kama seekers - Dwapar
Artha + Kama seekers - Kaliyuga
Yuga Dharma as explained by Ved Vyasa. Lovely explanation of movement of people across Yugas.
#DeviBhagwat 6.11

#DeviBhagwat 6.12

#DeviBhagwat 6.15

#DeviBhagwat 6.18

#DeviBhagwat 7.8

#DeviBhagwat 7.11

#DeviBhagwat 7.16

#DeviBhagwat 7.17

#DeviBhagwat 7.20

#DeviBhagwat 7.28

#DeviBhagwat 7.36

Where is Jambu Nadi?
What is the view of metallurgists on my TL?
#DeviBhagwat 8.6

South - Yama's Samyamni Puri - Noon
West - Varun's Nimnlochani - Sunset
North - Moon's Vibhavari - Midnight
From the chapter on Motion of Sun.
#DeviBhagwat 8.15 @ArchitectRupa

@bibekdebroy @ArchitectRupa @RohiniBakshi @Vyasonmukh @NileshOak