"The preliminary estimate of the benchmark revision indicates a downward adjustment to March 2019 total nonfarm employment of -501,000."
"The final benchmark revision will be issued in February 2020."
Obama: 5/14 to 12/16: 145.443-138.533 = 6.910 million
Trump: 1/17 to 8/19: 151.541-145.695 = 5.846 million
Those numbers have not been updated for the -501k revision yet for Trump mentioned above.
6.91/5.345 = 1.29. So, 29% faster job growth for Obama.
Of course some will say that we have to compare the beginning of Obama's term to the beginning of Trump's, but nobody who understands economies would say that. It takes time to turn economies.
Trump has done well for manufacturing jobs, but they tend not to be where he promised, and have slowed down recently.
People can see that Trump had a good run, but his pace there has flattened out quite a bit.

Obama: 5/14 to 12/16: 12,355-12,146 = 209k
Trump: 1/17 to 6/19: 12.853-12.368 = 485k
485/209 = 2.32. So, 132% faster man. jobs growth under Trump.
That is, 276k more man. jobs for Trump, and 1841k more in other areas for Obama.
Notice that his 399% claim is now down to just 132% in 5 months.