What makes a complete human being?
According to the Indian thought, 16 Guna, qualities, make a complete and perfect human being, they being
1. Gunavan - having many auspicious good qualities

3. Dharmajna - knower of the means of transcendental bliss, good etc.
4. Krtajna-one who remembers even small help rendered incidentally but does not remember the troubles given by others
6. Drdhavrata - unwavering resolve
7. Caaritrenayukta - never transgressing family tradition and conduct
9. Vidvan - knower of all scriptures
10. Samartha - responsible in discharging duties
12. Aatmavan - one with unshakable courage
13. Jitakrodha - for whom anger is under control
14. Dyutiman - lustrous, radiant
16. Kasya bibhyati Devaah - Whom even the Divinities fear & perform their respective duties, enforcing rules & regulations strictly
Many are drawn to Rama for the purity and piety in His intentions and actions.