Buckle up, because these past two weeks I *have* studied my Agrippa! [BIG ASS THREAD]
"I see you are using Bonetti's Defence against me," says Montoya, grinning fiercely.
"I thought it fitting," rejoins the man in black, "given the rocky terrain."
*SHAKESPEARE FACT: The school, in Blackfriars, was later repurposed as the Blackfriars Theatre. Bonetti was married to Eleanor Burbage, whose family owned the building; Richard Burbage, the actor who brought so many of Shakespeare's leads to life, was likely her grandnephew.
Now here's an actual, bona fide Italian gentleman willing to teach. Bonetti commanded fees up to FIFTY times his peers.
"Of course, you must expect me to attack with Capoferro, huh?"
"Naturally, although I find Thibault cancels out Capoferro, don't you?"
"Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa. Which I have!"