1/ Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

In shaa Allah this thread will be about the description on how the Prophet (SAW) performed his Salaat by Sheikh Dr. Uthman Al-Khamees.
2/ It has been reported by Imams Bukhari & Muslim, that the Prophet (SAW) said: "The religion of Islam is built upon 5 pillars; (1) Testifying that none deserve any form of worship except Allah, & Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger, (2) Establish the Salaat, (3) Give Zakaat (alms)..
3/ then (4) fasting the month of Ramadhan, & (5) Performing Hajj. Thus, the Salaat is the second pillar of Islam, which every Muslim should make sure that he/she knows well how to perform it. It is one of the pillars that when not well established affect every other act in Islam.
4/ The fundamental thing in Salaat is Khushu' ( Reverence), bringing your entire heart & attention to one place, having it at the front of your mind that you are standing right before your Creator, Allah (SWT). The subsequent tweets will explain how the Prophet (SAW) prays.

The 1st thing one is required to do when praying is to place in his front a barrier (SUTRAH). If you are praying behind an Imam, the Imam must pray in front of a Sutrah positioned at less than or equal to three forearms' length away from you.
6/ To begin the Salaat, one makes the intention (Niyyah) & the place of Niyyah is the heart. It has never been reported authentically that the Prophet (SAW) ever pronounced his Niyyah. It is an intent to perform which Salaat, & should be in the heart. One intend which salaat to
7/ perform (e.g. Zuhr or Asr), whether he is performimg behind an Imam, or alone, or he is paying for a Salaat that he or she has missed. All these would be brought to the heart when one intends to perform the Salaat. Whether praying in the Masjid or praying alone at home.
8/ We ENTER the Salaat by saying ALLAHU AKBAR (Takbeeratil Ihraam). While saying this Takbeer of opening, we raise both hands to chest level or ear level (as shown in the 2nd video). Putting the palms to level of touching the ears has never been reported from the Prophet (SAW).
9/ NEXT, is putting both hands to the chest. The way this is done is, by placing the right hand on the left to the wrist level (as shown in the video). Extending the hands to the ribs ❌, or below the chest ❌ or around the navel ❌ is not correct. Do as the Prophet did.
10/ The palm of the right hand should bridge the wrist, by placing part of it on the back of the left hand, across the wrist & on the arm, then place it on the lower shoulder. That is how the Noble prophet (SAW) does. he (SAW) would say, "We the Prophets have been ordained to
11/ place our right hands on the left during Salaat,". If he wishes, he places the left on the right, or he grabs the wrist of the left with the right hand (as described in the 3rd video above). If you would place it far through the arms too, there is nothing wrong with that.
12/ So, when you raise your hands to the shoulder or ear level, at the same time saying ALLAHU AKBAR, you proceed by placing the hands on the chest as we have just described. The NEXT thing is, we are recommended to begin with the Dua of opening (Dua is-tiftaah).
13/ There are many of the Dua of openings, authentically reported from the Prophet (SAW). One can choose any of them & use, and one can use all of them interchangeably. If you use this during Subhi, you use another during Zuhr, and another during Asr and so on.
14/ A popular one the Prophet (SAW) recites is: "Allahumma Baa'id bainiy wa baina Khatayaaya kamaa baa'adTa bainal mashriqi wal Maghrib. Allahumma Naqqinii min Khatayaaya kamaa yunaqqath-thawbal abyadhu minad-danas. Allahumma Ighsil khatayaaya bith-thal-ji wal maa'i wal-Bard".
15/ Meaning: Oh Allah, distance me from my sins as you have distanced the east & from the west. Oh Allah, protect me from my sins as a white garment is being protected from any contamination. Oh Allah, cleanse me from my sins with snow & cold..".

This or any can be recited.
16/ This opening Dua should be followed by seeking refuge in Allah from Satan. One can say: "A'udhu billahis-sami'il aleem, minash-shaytaanir-rajeem", or simply: A'udhu billahi minash-shaytaanir-Rajeem".

NEXT is to say "Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem", then begin reciting Fatiha.
17/ "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamiin; Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem; Maaliki yaumid-Deen; Iyyaka Na'budu wa iyyaka Nasta'een; ihdinas-siratal-Mustaqeem; Siraatalladheena An'amta 'alaihim, Ghairil Maghdoobi 'alaihim wa laddaalleen".

It is recommended that one reads verse after verse,
18/ without joining two or more verses. That is the most recommended way of reciting the Quran. To stop and breath between one verse and another. After the recitation of Fatihah, one is expected to say AMEEN, whether he is the Imam or he is praying behind an Imam. Not saying it
19/ does not invalidate the Salaat. After the recitation of Fatihah (which is compulsory in every Rakaah), the recitation of Surah (part or full chapter of the Quran) is recommended. One can pick any part of the Quran & recite after the Fatihah.
20/ While both hands are still held unto the chest, as discussed earlier, both the Fatihah & Surah are recited in a good & sound manner, bringing the meanings of what we read close to our hearts. It is Important that Muslims understand the meanings of the verses of the Quran.
21/ After completing the Surah, one would say ALLAHU AKBAR for the purpose of Ruku' (bowing - by placing both hands on both knees). The 1st Allahu Akbar we made was to open the Salaat (Takbeerat Al0ihraam) & to forbid for us every action that is outside the act of Salaat.
22/ This Takbeerat-Al-Ihraam is a pillar in Salaat, as the Prophet (SAW) said: "The opener of Salaat is Takbeer..". That Takbeer makes everything other than Salaat at that time Haram, while the Tasleem (Saying Assalamu Alaikum) is what terminates the Salaat & allow us to do other
23/ activities since we have completed the Salaat. No we proceed with the 2nd Takbeer, which is for us to go for Ruku'. During this Takbeer of going to ruku', It is a Sunnah to raise both hands to the chest-level or ear-level as you did during the 1st Takbeer. If one decides not
24/ to raise both hands, his Salaat is still valid, but has lost some reward for the Sunnah of raising hands. Some people raise the hand as though they are sick. It is wrong. Raise it as high as you can, to the level of your chest or your ears, & make the pronouncement loud.
25/ ALLAHU AKBAR, and we go to the Ruku'. While in the position of Ruku', it is recommended that we try as much as we can to make the back & the head at the same flat level while your eyes are focused to where your forehead would be placed during Sujood (prostration).
26/ This is done to the best of your ability without being too extreme. In the Ruku', you are expected to grab your knees with the hands with the fingers spread to grab the knee, while separating your ribs from the arms (as shown in the video in Tweet 25). This is how the Prophet
27 (SAW) was reported to have done. The feet should also be placed naturally in a justified posture; you dont open them so wide nor do you bring them very tight together, Stand in a comfortable-natural posture,in a way that the legs are in line with the wideness of the shoulders.
28/ When in the position of Ruku' or any other position in Salaat, always consider those by your side. If you are praying alone, you can perfect the posture. However, if you are in a row with others, you cannot separate the arms from the ribs so much, for convenience of others.
29/ While in Ruku', you will recite: SUBHAANA RABBIYAL AZEEM (the least perfection). Just once is also acceptable. But one can go more than 3, however, you should consider the people you are leading if you are the Imam & make it as conveniently short as possible for the sake of
30/ sick ones or old people that are praying behind you. If however you are praying alone, you can extend it as long as you wish. If you say SUBHAANA RABBIYAL AZEEM WA BIHAMDIHI, it is also acceptable. Apart from these, there are others reported from the Prophet (SAW) like:

and so on. All these are authentic, reported from the Nabiy (SAW) and are glorification of Allah (SWT). The prophet (SAW) asked us to glorify
32/ Allah (SWT) a lot in our Ruku'. So, we should try and learn all these Azkaar that the prophet (SAW) does in his Ruku'.
33/ After one has recited any of the Azkaar mentioned in the Ruku', the next thing is to rise up, mentioning RABBANA LAKAL HAMD, or RABBANAA Wa LAKAL HAMD, or ALLAHUMMA RABBANA LAKAL HAMD, or ALLAHUMMA RABBANAA Wa LAKAL HAMD. Anyone you recite is acceptable.
34/ Please take note that upon rising from Ruku', you must ensure that you have stood still & upright before you go for the next step. This is very important in Salaat. Else, one might risk being a thief, according to the Prophet (SAW). A thief, who stole his own Salaat because
35/ the Salaat is incomplete, therefore he might loose huge amount of the reward in it. Hudhaifa Ibn yaman (RA) saw a man praying, but he doesn't rise properly from Ruku' before rushing to Sujud. Hudhaifah (RA) asked the man, "For how long have you been praying like this?"
36/ The man replied, "For the past 40 years (since i started praying)". Hudhaifah (RA) told the man, "You actually have not been praying". This is similar response to what the Prophet (SAW) gave the man, popularly known as "THE MAN WHO PRAYED BADLY (Musee'u salatihi).
37/ The Hadith was narrated by Imam Bukhari (757) & Imam Muslim (397) both from Abu Hurayra (RA). The Prophet (SAW) entered the mosque & a man came in & prayed, then he came & greeted the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) returned the greeting and said:
38/ “Go back & pray, for you have not prayed.” The man went back & prayed as he had prayed before, then he came to the Prophet (SAW) and greeted him, and the Prophet (SAW) said, “Wa ‘alayk al-salaam.” Then he said: “Go back and pray, for you have not prayed.”
39/ When he had done that three times, the man said: By the One Who sent you with the truth, I cannot do more than that. Teach me.

The Prophet (SAW) said: “When you go to pray, say takbeer, then recite whatever you can of the Qur’aan. Then bow until you are at ease in bowing,
40/ then rise until you are standing up straight. Then prostrate until you are at ease in prostration, then sit up until you are at ease in sitting. Then do that throughout the entire prayer.”

FROM THIS HADITH, anyone who prayed not as the Prophet (SAW) prayed has not prayed.
41/ Upon standing upright after rising from the Ruku' posture, one must stand still & upright. Here, one has the free choice of either returning the hands to the chest or release them. Here also, one would raise the hands to the chest or ear level as shown in the video.
42/ Upon rising from Ruku', raising the hands to shoulder or ear level, placing them back to the chest or releasing both hands, one says SAMI'ALLAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH, RABBANA WA LAKAL HAMD, or RABBANAA LAKAL HAMD, or ALLAHUMMA RABBANAA WA LAKAL HAMD or ALLAHUMMA RABBANAA LAKAL HAMD.
43/ If you so wish, you can add "Hamdan Katheeran tayyiban Mubaarakan Feeh, mil'as-samawati wa mil'al-ardi wa mil'ama shi'ta min shai'in ba'd. Athlath-thana'i wal-majdi khairu ma qalal-'abdu wa kulluna laka 'abdun la mani'a lima a'taita wa la yanfa'u dhal-jaddi minkal-jadd".
44/ However, avoid extending the Salaat so long if you are an Imam, because among the people you are leading might be sick person, the weak, the old or someone with a pressing need to go somewhere. THE NEXT THING IS TO GO FOR SUJUD. When going to the Sujud, which limb goes first?
45/ IS one expected to go to the Sujud with his hands reaching the ground before the knees or the Knees before the palms (hands)? Here also, some scholars like the Author of Al-Mughni, Ibn Quddamah (RH) having gathered the Hadiths talking on both said, one can go with any.
46/ As shown in the video, you can place your hands first before the knees or the knees before the hands.
47/ It has been reported by some learned scholars like Ibn Qudamah (RH) & others that either approach is valid. That is, when going to Sujud, you can go by first placing your knees to the ground before your hands, or your hands first before the knees (as shown in the video).
48/ Although, what is clearer from the Hadith, & which I am inclined to ( i.e I, Dr. Uthman Al-Khamis), is to go to Sujud by first placing the hands before the knees. But as i said, either one is valid & acceptable In sha Allah.

TAKE NOTE that throughout the Salaat period,
49/ it is most recommended that one places his sight straight to where he would place his forehead for Sujud. However, assuming one looks up to his front, this doesn't invalidates the Salaat, although looking at the place of Sujud is the recommended Sunnah. Now we go to Sujud.
50/ If we observe, the repetition of the phrase, ALLAHU AKBAR a almost every point in Salaat, with the exception of places like going to Ruku' & rising, where say "Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidahu, Rabbanaa Wa LaKal Hamd..". The reason for the phrase is to send away Shaytan who at
51/ every point is working hard to destroy our Salaat. Thus, he (shaytaan) keeps reminding us about worldly things to deprive us the full tranquility required in Salaat. So, when we keep repeating Allahu Akbar, it is a reminder to ourselves that WHATEVER IT IS WE ARE THINKING
52/ ABOUT, ALLAH (SWT) IS MIGHTIER THAN SUCH THING. So often, we find ourselves thinking about our children, parent, wives, husbands, business, our careers, school, examinations & so on while we are in Salaat. All these are Shytan's plan to distract us. So, we keep repeating
53/ ALLAHU AKBAR to remind ourselves that all these things we are thinking about are not worthy of our thoughts while we are standing before our Creator, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala!

NOW TO SUJUD..... Now we are in the Sujud Posture.
54/ Now in the Sujud position. As shown in this video, this is the right posture to place our head and our arms, & our foot closed from behind. In the Sujud posture, you have two choices as to where you place your head. Either to place your head in between your arms, or the head
55/ placed placed after the arms. It is wrong to place the head behind & your arms far in front of the head. This has not been reported from the prophet (SAW). While in SUJUD, YOUR EYES SHOULD BE OPENED NOT CLOSED. The Jews close their eyes in Sujud, Muslims let theirs opened.
56/ REMEMBER: While in Sujud, the head should either be in between the arms or the head should be placed ahead of the arms. One should not place the hands in front of the head. Also, both arms should be separated from the ribs. One should give a space between the arms & the body.
57/ Also, the stomach should be separated from the thighs (inner thigh), and the feet be brought as close to one another as possible in order to close the gap between them. Do not place one on the other, or spread them behind you carelessly. That is against the Sunnah in Salaat.
58/ Also, the front of your toe fingers be pinned down & made to face the Qiblah, as much as you can without much stress.

The Tasbeeh to be recited in Sujud is SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A'ALAH (Remember in Ruku', it was Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem). If one says SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A'ALAH
59/ WA BIHAMDIHI, there is no harm in that. Also, the Nabiy (SAW) encouraged us to intensify personal Du'a in our Sujud, & said, "It is sure place your Dua would be answered". Our Du'a in Sujud should give emphasis to the hereafter, protection from hell & admittance into jannah.
60/ Also, remember that your arms should be well spaced while in Sujud and the fingers closed & facing Qiblah. Do not spread it excessively, and especially if you are praying in congregation, so that you don't inconvenience others.
61/ Aftr reciting SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A'ALAH 3 times in the Sujud, you rise to a brief sitting before you go to the second Sujud. In this sitting position, you would place both hands on your laps, you will fold the left leg & sit on it while pinning the right leg, as in the video.
62/ If one were to sit on both legs pinned as shown in the video in Tweet 61 above, it is also acceptable, between the two Sujuds. If for other reasons one cannot sit like this & seat in other ways, it is also acceptable. Allah doe not burden a soul with more than it can take.
63/ However, the sitting position that is unacceptable is one one separates the legs & sits in between as shown in the above video. This is unacceptable. One should try as much as he/she can to do every part of the Salaat as the Nabiy (SAW) did to earn a full reward.
64/ While in this sitting position, there are reported Tasbeeh from the prophet (SAW). One can simply say: RABBIGHFIR LEE, RABBIGHFIR LEE ( 2 times). or one can say: RABBIGHFIR-LEE, WARHAMNEE, WA AFINEE, WAHDINEE, WAR ZUQNEE, WAJBURNEE. Any of these is acceptable to be recited.
65/ After reciting this, then one will go to the second Sujud, and it is done exactly like the first Sujud described earlier.
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