Next door to us on the corner, however, was the junkiest house in the hood (also a rental)...
We would sometimes talk about the weather, or discuss our favorite football teams, but not much interaction beyond that...
At this point I took conscious notice of the situation and thought it was odd, but figured he maybe left town for a few days. It was summertime afterall and people do travel...
They were COVERED in flies. When I realized that the flies where on the INSIDE of the glass I braced myself for what I was going to find if I proved any further...
I dont know if I expected him to answer or what, but of course, he didnt.
His side gate was locked so I jumped the fence into the back yard to check the back door...
The fire department and coroner showed up shortly thereafter with a big fan to air out the house...
It was too much for my wife to abide, however, and we got a hotel room for the night...