Risk-taking, substance abuse, crime: we need to develop lifeskills in Youth if we want to help Youth cope in a healthy way with negative pressures. - Dr Tayoob

Need multidimensional thinking for #Youth4Communitysafety
Messaging is part of the response, but not enough.
Drug-use-prevention is about positive engagement of Youth to realise their potential and make them contributing members of society. - Hussein Manji
- before drug use starts,
- once they started using drugs to prevent health and social consequences
- once it is a disorder and they need treatment.
So that we can achieve recovery from each stage.
No one individual factor contributes to addiction. They interact in positive and negative ways.
Threshold of danger for abuse depends on individual.
Neglectful parenting, substance abuse by parents and environment, anti-social peers and lack of role-models.
So, how and where to intervene?

etc levels.
Takeaway: each is useful for a different kind of intervention and could even be counterproductive if not properly used or wrong level of intervention applied.
The earlier the better.
Spill-over effects for personal and community health.
We have the evidence and policy strategies, but need to mainstream more.

Resilience, building protective factors of young people: we need more positive engagement of Youth.
Next we will talk about our #OneStopYouthCentres
Young people need public space that is safe and gives them an opportunity to get training to act on opportunities.
We do training on IT, book-keeping, entrepreneurship, financial literacy: small and big interventions.
Our centres are also volunteerism: we have Youth who engaged in crime, who had friends shot and who now help clean up Nairobi river, get another chance.
Young people need a place to be heard, to engage constructively, talk to policy-makers, talk about issues and solutions for their communities.
They take the lead in our centres.
We hope we can set up Centres in every county. How will we do this?
Identify and meet local stakeholders
Mobilise them
Build consensus of what challenges exist
Create a steering committee
From here we can go establish the centre.
Then: youth-led programmes, a genuine role for youth in governance issues, and always in the context of Do No Harm.
Sometimes our programmes can harm communities, don't meet the needs of communities.
This is also why we have an accreditation program: f ex: how do you serve the needs of young girls and women in your community?
5 Slum Deprivations
1. Security of Tenure
2. Safe and affordable drinking water
3. Overcrowding
4. Sanitation and
5. Durability of Dwellings
Our strength:
- Mainstreaming participatory decision making
- Climate Change considerations
- Human Rights approach and
- Socio-Economic empowerment of slum dwellers.
We want to move away from the criminalisation of these spaces (slums) .
Slum-dwellers often feel there is no governance and formal structures don't exist. Thus: participatory governance.
As urbanisation rates go up, ever more people live in slum areas. Key issues that need local data-gathering which can be done by Youth, and then acted on by Youth.
When Kaka (Brother in Swahili) grew up in Mathare and talks about losing two friends to crime.
No opportunities for youth = crime rises
But: generational challenge!
New Youth-generation is big, resources limited.
The spaces Youth have secured through their volunteered time and work.
We need to build platforms for them to talk about the issues affecting their lives, support their ideas.
Need evidence-based interventions directly engaging with communities.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
Cannot meet authorities without formal data backing you up.
Kaka mobilised Youth to map Mathare to push for change.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
The centre hasn't been launched since 2016 because County has no budget for Youth.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
Highlights: we must follow-up trainings with toolkits for Youth to start up a business.
Create a safe-space for Youth to earn a living, learn, become agents of change.
Give opportunity for Youth to own the space, and by so take care of it.
But we need more resources. Make them strong. Learn from other centers. Actualise potential.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
Before politics, she started an organisation working on female extremism.
But first points out: Kaka, Hassan, herself are all products of Youth centres. What can we learn from this?
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
It's a game of numbers in politics: we need civic education so people know their rights and demand them in.
Politicians always come to informal settlements for votes, but afterwards...
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
We need informal settlement policies. Recognition that they exist, recognition for the people there.
We need partnerships, awareness. Practice it in churches, mosques, One Stop Centres.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
We need to know our rights, and exercise them. We should have a legal team in every centre that can reach the people in their language and where they stand.
Urbanisation does not wait.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
If we don't engage in public participation, nothing will change.
(She asks people to raise their hand of those who have done this... most people have not)
"I will leave you with that."
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
Learn it in the field, learn it for life. Football as a tool to teach lifeskills.
Greencard system: instead of punishment, reward for positive actions.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
We teach on violence, drug-abuse, gender violence...
We call it #resilienceskills or as you'd say: lifeskills.
This helps children in their life, when they grow up: confidence, teamwork, autonomy.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif
In Mandare and Kibera, we work in informal areas: violence and drug-abuse... every week on the football field, we teach them about one social issue.
Because we train the children, we have a baseline and end-line evaluation.
Teamwork, joy, creativity, responsibility, and respect.
We give children a green card when they show this kind of behaviour: encourages them to act on this at home, school, in the community.
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif @UNODC
We teach youth on CVs, getting internships in a community where most are jobless.
We work with parents to organise our program: alone we will not succeed. Involving all stakeholders however...
@VictorKisob @MaimunahSharif @UNODC
We mix boys and girls: we want every child to have a role to play. Involve the whole community, teach resilience through action.
Issue of the gap: how does Youth from Kibera get access to opportunities?
Who represents their views?
AYC seeks to fill that gap.
Different consortiums of Youth organisations come together across the continent.
Making it easy for international donors to support grassroots.
Also ask big questions: what is the future of work in Africa?
We lobby and engage with leaders on the continent with the voices of our Youth organisations.
Cooperation with @UNODC and others is crucial to raise Youth organisations' voice.
Inspired by Vision2030: where there is a project there is a supply of jobs. We want Youth to realise their socio-economic potential and unleash it.
Youth entrepreneurship solves local problems.
Building agri-business: we support and have value-addition centres: we won't sell raw product but create value.
Finding niches and look at what people complain about.
We offer Youth opportunities to start and build companies.
Most Youth in Kenya is educated, but can't find a job. So what now?
But this must go hand-in-hand with Youth being included in decision-making.
Education here means getting African Youth into competitions such as WTO Moot Courts.
Strathmore Youth won it just the other year after no African Youth ever competing before.
We need and want multipurpose buildings. Where Youth can engage with professionals, can be trained, can be repurposed.
Talking about the issue of who attends public participation meetings: often fringe people, not the Youth or average citizen.
This makes it hard from a legislator's perspective.
We must be closer to the communities we are supposed to serve, we must go back often, and we must improve quality of public participation meetings.
Why do we put up carwashes in informal settlements? No one drives there. We need to get priorities straight. We need to be responsive to real issues.
Public participation not these Youths' priority.
We can reach out to informed Youth by working with mentors, guide them through these processes.
Needs to be a continuous process.
How do we use new media to engage the Youth? There they will take part.
Other participant: I am frustrated that people say Youth does not participate in public forums. There are court-cases where Youth was not engaged.
Since I was born I was told I am the future of this country.
But now what? Billions were stolen from the Youth Fund: Youth cannot just all become entrepreneurs.
Issue of trade-barriers, VISA between African countries, all this cannot be blamed on Youth or solved by Youth entrepreneurship.
We need other ways to engage: virtual townhalls, digital feedback mechanisms...
How do we assure sustainability? One Stop Youth Centres a great answer to that challenge.
Follow-up on recommendations...
We've had a number of trainings on issues of health, entrepreneurship, and County could learn from this + projects we implemented. -Wainaina Muriruri
Entry-point for Youth & communities to challenge and work with County.
Need this kind of multi-level exchange.
-Wainaina Muiruri
Youth not usually prioritised.
Will work on removing roadblocks of Youth.
Get them away from (survival-)prostitution?
Hon Patriciah: issue also of older generation leading campaigns.
Gendered discussion must include the girl-child and boy-child equally.
But remember differences exist.
In many developing countries, partnerships with private sector can help. Corporate Social Responsibility lacking often.
Sharmaarke Abdullahi: who is in the room, around the room, outside the room?
Do we capture their voices?
From the coffee-break discussions, participants are already talking about new projects and partnerships!
Knowledge needs to be able to leave conference rooms.