Please “Heart” if you like these reports. Forgive any typos or mistakes!
Vice President - Miguel Angel Arias
Esmeralda Z. Soria, Mike Karbassi, Luis Chavez, Garry Bredefeld, Nelson Esparza
City Manager - Wilma Quan
City Attorney - Douglas T. Sloan
City Clerk - Yvonne Spence, MMC
Approve the appointment of Kathryn Wilbur to the Housing and Community Development Commission
Amending the Fresno Municipal Code Relating to Shared Mobility Devices (Subject to Mayor's veto)
Approve the appointment of Paul Caprioglio to the Fresno County
Amending the Council Rules of Procedure related to Closed Session materials mandating material must be present at least 3 days prior to Session
Actions pertaining to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the City of Fresno and Upside Enter-
Approve the reappointment of Michael Lopez to the Capital Projects Oversight Board. Meeting beginning with Invocation by Naindeep Singh Chann. Caprioglio has skin graft on

Councilmember Soria and Caprioglio. @PaulCaprioglio says his mother survived breast cancer and will be 93 years old soon. Soria stresses early detection. Breast Cancer Walk this Saturday morning at Fresno State.

Negotiating Parties: City of Fresno, Fresno
Next meetings: OCTOBER 17, 2019 - NO MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING OCTOBER 31, 2019 - NO MEETING
NOVEMBER 7, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING