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Fresno City Council meeting September 26, 2019. Among the items are the 1:30 pm vote to designate portion of 168 freeway after the first Latina Councilwoman Esther Padilla;6-month test pilot for electric scooters; Airbnb regulations; discussion on a 4-story mixed use project near
Grizzlies Stadium that was scuttled for being too close to Chandler Airport; Workshop on Energy Efficiency/ Path to Sustainability; Workshop on Keep Fresno Beautiful. On Consent Calendar are Approve the appointment of Brian Whelan to the Capital Project Oversight Board; & Evelyn
Gamble to the Fresno Youth Commission 
by Council Member Karbassi
and Approve the appointment of Lourdes Monica Diaz to the Planning Commission by Mayor Lee Brand.
Invocation by Reza Nekumanesh of the Islamic Cultural Center. @MiguelArias_D3 wants to pull 1-K which is Lourdes Monica Diaz to Planning Commission. Several others want to hear the consent item. Arias mentions Mayor Lee Brand is on vacation. Can we still hear it? City Manager has
someone who can speak on it for the Mayor. Vote to remain on calendar with @kmkarbassi voting NO. Will be heard this afternoon. Now Proclamation of “Walk to School Month” by Council President Caprioglio. This is on Wednesday October 2. Celest says everyone can join them.
President Eisenhower has a problem. Won the war but there was prejudice against Germans so he thought the best way was to have regular people meet. Mayor Selland helped establish this in Fresno. There was Germantown in Fresno but suspicion of them after the war. Any high school
can go to Münster for four weeks. Many students from Münster are in fact here this morning. (There was a poor connection from City Hall to Twitter this morning so I am catching up now. Probably a good time for this too: Please “Heart” if you like these reports. Forgive any typos
or mistakes! Next: Red Cross’ Shelter of Hope. River Park will have a simulated shelter to check out and ways to prepare for a disaster.
Council reports : @D7Esparza School Needs commission met with surrounding School Unifieds. Walk to School is a large issue. Caprioglio: congratulates Bulldogs in their win. Homecoming will be next game. October 1st National Night Out at El Dorado Park. October 2 is Coffee with
a Cop at Cedar and Shaw McDonalds. October 6 Neighborhood picnic at Sierra Madre. Yesterday’s State of County mentioned Chevron given $800 million worldwide to schools. Soria: Class of 2020 For local youth in District 1. Creative Fresno Festival of Short Films October 5th at
7:30 pm at Tower Theater! (Come on out!) Also November 1st is Day if the Dead as well as Canine in the Park. @kmkarbassi says to visit Pinedale Historical Project. Also Phase 1 of Veterans Blvd opened. @District5Chavez: Carnival Event drew 3000 and he thanks PARCS. Caprioglio:
Thanks Airport Director Kevin Meikle when actress and model Tyra Banks said she loves “the cute airport “ in Fresno with the Giant Sequoias and Rhinoceros. “Great marketing “.
Consent Items: I-i on Airbnb pulled by Bredefeld. Will be discussed at 1:30.
1-J slight changes by City Attorney Doug Sloan for clarification regarding Code Enforcement serial violators. Will come back next meeting.
Actions pertaining to Fresno County Airport Land Use Compati-
bility Plan:
which gives the December 2018 Fresno County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan priority over all other local land use plans and regulations in the event of a conflict The City of Fresno, on behalf of TFS Investments, Inc & iT Architecture, proposed the repurposing
a city block into a Mixed-Use Development site located on the 700 block of H Street in Downtown Fresno.
The City had requested a consistency determination for the four-phase project whose proposal was to ultimately re-develop the ±1.37 acres of land. The project was located on
northeast side of H Street, between Mono and Inyo streets and next to Chukchansi Ballpark. The first three phases of the proposal called for a complete improvement of the site that included building a retail and entertainment center on a vacant lot, the demolishing of some existi
ing buildings and parking lots, and the construction of 4-story mixed use apartment building and entertainment venue. The fourth phase called for the demolition or re- use of other existing buildings on the site but specific plans were not known. Supporting material were included
contained specific details about the project. The site was located within Zone 6, the Traffic Pattern Zone (TPZ), of the Fresno Chandler Executive Airport. Specific site location in the TPZ was shown in the safety zone map included in your packet.The ALUCP restrictions on density
and open land for the TPZ are not expected to be an issue for this project, and it is also within the Urban designation surrounding Chandler Airport. Other prohibited land uses in the TPZ included outdoor stadiums or other high-intensity uses, as well as hazards to flight.However
because of the project area's urban designation, high-intensity use would not be limited. Nonetheless, the proposed maximum height of the project's building is 61 1/2 feet which encompasses four stories. This proposed height would require an airspace analysis under Part 77 from
with approval by the ALUC contingent on obtaining this analysis.  I-i on Airbnb pulled by Bredefeld. Will be discussed at 1:30.
1-J slight changes by City Attorney Doug Sloan for clarification regarding Code Enforcement serial violators. Will come back next meeting.
3-A Greg Barfield regarding leasing radial tires for FAX. Bredefeld asks about leasing tires?? Barfield: this is an industry standard. This allows company to continually inspect tires.
Applications for Grant Funds From the 2019/2020 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Call for Projects from the Fresno Council of Governments  (Includes First Street between Tulare and Olive)
Scott Mozier Grant opportunity from COG. Lists of projects from every council districts. New sidewalks, trails, transit service improvement like paving and new equipment.
WORKSHOP - Energy Efficiency and the Path to Sustainability. City Manager’s idea for this workshop. Deals with greenhouse gas goals and general plan. Need to get City’s house in order before we ask public to do so as well. City has 1995 PG&E accounts. Saves money and efficiency.
Becoming energy efficient is easier than generating energy via solar. Analyzing energy bills caused 5 year saving could be $5.3 million by switching rates. Partnerships with industry and stakeholders is important. Attention of vendors once Fresno showed a desire to be more energy
Analyzing energy bills caused 5 year saving could be $5.3 million by switching rates. Partnerships with industry and stakeholders is important. Attention of vendors once Fresno showed a desire to be more energy efficient. Success with five projects led to $4.7 million annual
five projects led to $4.7 million annual savings on electrical bill. 28 million kWh saved enough to cover 2500 homes. Current status shows old HVAC, fluorescent lights. Etc that need to be replaced. Solar, EV car charging stations. The emissions cause most of pollutions so more
charging stations are important. An ambitious plan is in the work. Lightning upgrades coming. Council wants to be assured Council Chambers is a priority as it is very dark in here! (I agree!) @PaulCaprioglio jokes @MiguelArias_D3 wants spotlight on Arias 😝 RFQ is being prepared
Project will cost $5.5 million but save $10.5 million. Arias would like solar on future projects like at parks. Just upgrading light bulbs is not enough.@Esmeralda_Soria : where are savings going to? A: savings going into paying for project and reinvested. Solar project a few
years ago only brought in one bid. What happens to that? Oliver Baines had made Proposal. These were to be near wastewater treatment of plant. City Manager said decision was made to decide if that was best use for that vacant land. Staff: JPA among schools. The specific proposal
wasn’t good for City at the time but will come back to Council. Jim Schaad says there are some solar panels on City property but are aging. Soria: many cities are far ahead of Fresno with energy savings. End of Workshop.
WORKSHOP - Keep Fresno Beautiful @MarkStandriff Was first promoted by Mayor at State of Fresno in April. Will work with schools, businesses and non profits by recycling , litter, beautification. Will work with Make America Beautiful group. A replicable framework and training.
Bakersfield has been using the program for 20 years. Cautions Fresno to start small and focus on results. Program has quick reliable visual assessment. Make a difference day in October. Scott Mozier says working with Cal Trans Freeway clean up and Bakersfield mentioned their
their success with KAB (Keep America Beautiful) Cost: $4000 application and $440 annually. City would take care of big stuff like illegal dumping and graffiti abatement. November 2 National Make a Difference Day. October 24 Freeway liter abatement. Funding opportunities from corp
-orations. Standriff:create a 9-11 advisory board First from City and public. Would like Council to keep this on their calendar. @District5Chavez : Will this be an umbrella for groups already doing clean ups? A: this will help new groups to find a place to go to. Will City Fund
the non profit? Non profit will Fundraise thru private funds. This will make it as easy as possible for community members to help. @Esmeralda_Soria need to continue on what already exists. Do we have a list of those groups currently occurring like Hands On ?Will this create more
bureaucracy? A: this model allows it to use a current non profit or a new non profit can be created. This group helps in organizing but not wanting to control. Need non profit in order be able to accept donations. Bredefeld: What does $4000 Application fee give us? A: training
materials,travel costs for trainers. Esparza: What can Committee do? A: They are an advisory group and help with assessment. @MiguelArias_D3 typically city has to pick up trash pick ups and cost for groups doing the clean up. How will this help? A: this will help with scheduling.
Arias: hazmat portions? From Council budgets? Mayor’s budget? A: equipment and bags are provided by City. Code Enforcement has costs for large clean ups. Arias: Operation Clean Up for homeowners but not apartments. A: pilot program is being instituted. Arias:few public trash cans
What are we doing to create more and emptied more? Mozier: City picks up on Fulton and on trails. PBID does surrounding parts of Downtown. FAX picks up for bus stops. Arias: could Apartments set up public trash cans to do that? A: could put that in the contract. Arias: City’s
structural responsibilities for public trash cans and alleys are not really covered by this program especially with cost. Arias is not in favor of this program. Clean Ups are time consuming and often see problem reoccur quickly. Schaad: alleys are cleaned twice a year.
Caprioglio: Fresno State would be interested in helping. Cal Trans on Ramps and off ramps could be focus. No action as this is a Workshop.
10 AM Actions pertaining to the acquisition of an easement and right of way to construct a public sidewalk on East Ashlan Avenue between
North Effie Street and State Route 41 (Council District 7) Passes 6-0 with Soria absent.
3-F Northeast Water Treatment Plant $14 Million for 4.5 million gallon tank Passes 6-0 with Soria absent

3-G WORKSHOP - Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Plan (NKGSP) Kings Subbasin is successful if all 7 GSA’s submit. Hope
to be sustainable by 2040. Water Budget is complicated model and takes into account drought,urban growth and climate change. Number of wells in basin are unknown at this time. Subsidence is a big concern especially where clay soils collapse. It can damage conveyance of water.
McMullian area tends to overdraught and causing us to lose some water. Arias: what is Solution to that ? A: hopefully solved locally otherwise goes to State level. Largest impact for City of Fresno was residential water meters installation that was completed 2012 as well as SE
Water Treatment Plant. This is responsible for 36% of our water use v ground water. City was ahead of SGMA before SGMA was enacted due to SE Waste Water Treatment Plant. City of Fresno has a strong supply of water compared to other local citiesAdoption of GSP will Be November 21.
Public Comment period is open until October 18. Chavez: will baseline for Ground Water be established soon? A: already has been set. Fresno is already in compliance due to SE Water Treatment Plant. We are no longer over drafting than we had for decades. Chavez: will we ever be
flowing with water and sell it ? A: no but we are in good position. Need to build wisely so we don’t over use water though. Arias: overpumping that occurs. Does our participation in GSA prevent us from taking action legally against other entities in GSA A: no. Arias: water meter
huge debate at the time but was necessary. Madera is overpumping at the same time approving huge housing projects. What is status with Temperance Flat? A: slowed down and depends on private funding. Subsidence is not large in City of Fresno but conveyance to Fresno was effected.
@MiguelArias_D3 Arias: please be transparent when time comes about who pays for subsidence conveyance repair. I would hate to find out Fresnans have to pay for subsidence caused by farmers over drafting. Caprioglio worries that State may force Fresno share their water with
outlying cities when Fresno leaders and taxpayers did the hard work of recharging and building Water Treatment Plant. He mentions he was part of decision to create the Treatment Plant. Every city should follow the Fresno Plan. Caprioglio thanks presenter for explaining a tough
subject. Council going to Linch Recess and Closed Session. Will be back by 1:30 or so.
Back in session. @Esmeralda_Soria Thanks everyone and for coming for naming portion of 180 and 168 freeways for first Latina Councilwoman Esther Padilla. She gave a portion of her salary for after school programs. Helped with seed money for Arte America. Thanks Esther Padilla
for coming this afternoon and for sacrificing when Padilla was on the Council. @District5Chavez first met Padilla at SEFCEDA Trailblazer Event. Padilla encouraged people to be orange donors. She helped bring health clinic at Orange and Butler. Public: Assemblyman
Dr. Joaquin
Arambula.(begins in Spanish in honor of Padilla) She was always someone who watched over the community. He was born in Delano and Padilla fought to the end to help people. He is proud to carry the assembly bill and hopes Council will vote to approve. Her husband comes up to speak
He thanks the Council on her behalf. Public comments: she went into field to help organize field workers. She was surrounded by growers who set a Doberman at her despite she was holding her baby. She left but came back with help and she was able to organize that ranch with Gil-
-bert Padilla’s encouragement. Next: German said Padilla asked him to donate his 9 year old son’s organs after a tragic accident. It saved three lives. He now works for Donor Network. It will be an honor to drive on Freeway with Padilla’s name. Kingsburg Councilmember Jewel
Hurtado and son. @jewelhurtado_ It would be an honor to have the Freeway exchange to be named after Padilla. “She is now going to cry room” Elisa Rivera says it helps to hear the story of Latina. Esther and Glibert were neighbors growing up. There is a documentary they are work-
-ing. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. Chris Snyder: met Esther when United Farmworkers were having a Founders Day Party. Esther thanked him for volunteering. I didn’t volunteer. “Yes, I just volunteered you to cook teriyaki chicken for 200! UFW has to take on challenge
even if you were not prepared for it by thinking big and stepping up. Humberto Gomez , Jr He is proud to know The Padilla family. The women emphasized getting an education. Gilbert Padilla and his 9 brothers fought in World War 2. Proudness from knowing someone from birth to
helping the community. Esther still advocated even when she was at the end and very ill. Lourdes Olivia said Padilla encourage people to do well. She interviewed Padilla for Radio Bilingue on donor registration. It was a taboo subject for many field workers. Many agree to donate
after hearing Padilla’s voice on the radio. Barbara: in support of this project. We are all here for only so long. Esther has done more than anyone else in this room. Monica: Met Esther while she was on Council. She was a mother and a friend. The Padillas were always doing good.
Was grateful that Esther taught her to be at the table politically. Esther is in Heaven now probably making teriyaki chicken and looking down and giggling. Next: Esther was a trailblazer. Had to have energy and good judgment. Proud to have known her. @JePahl_White met Esther when
family members needed organ transplants. She called when a kidney was found for him. She showed him how to advocate for Fresno. She gave lots of good advice while at Castillo’s Mexican Restaurant on 7th St. Eva Ruiz never met Esther but from hearing these stories I felt I knew
her. This will help keep her legacy continuing. This is for our daughter and granddaughters. Enancio: she was a change agent. At Centro La Familia was something she helped succeed. Unity in women’s roles. She was a strong organ advocate and changed Enancio’s mind to be a donor
He jokes he is not sure how good his organs would be today 😝 @VivaciousVeva She never met Padilla but knows what she represent ed. Justice and love is the only way to stop the rhetoric coming from our current President towards Hispanics. @ricojfranco it is perfect that this
Freeway renaming occurs over land that was redlined and prevented people of color from living there. Howard Watkins says in his photos Esther was always in a good mood despite all her hard work. She was first Latina politician to represent him.
Esther ‘s sister says she always worked to help people. Vote yes not because she was my sister but because it is the right thing to do. @MiguelArias_D3 My generation didn’t have the opportunity to work with Esther but we do have the ability to aspire to do the good she did.
@D7Esparza forgives this audience to have never have known Councilwoman Padilla. His District 7 was carved out of other districts and many of his constituents mentioned Esther Padilla. He hopes to fulfill what she and other former Councilmembers have done. @GarryBredefeld she did
many things like organ donor. He would have had some issues with her politically but would have worked with her. He hoped that this ceremony wouldn’t have been used to denigrate the President (referring to Islas’s comments). @PaulCaprioglio proudly says he has the pink donor dot
his drivers license. Passes unanimously 7-0!
Resuming council meeting. Back to Contested Consent Items. @GarryBredefeld what is the fine on short term rental violator? City Attorney makes clarification. Warning first time for noise. Administration fines or misdemeanor could also be used. Master Fee Schedule would need to
to come back to Council. @kmkarbassi thanks council for helping to prevent party houses and working together. 1-K Approve the appointment of Lourdes Monica Diaz to the Planning Commission by Mayor Lee Brand. He knows she is well qualified for this role. He does have question for
Mayor’s office. Arias wonders why there are no commissioners from District 1 and District 3? Diaz does a lot for West Fresno. City Manager asks if Arias has any suggestions for someone for District 3? Yes. @kmkarbassi knows Diaz is qualified but wonders why this is a not a very
well vetted applications for this important role. Clerk: website says which boards have openings. Karbassi says it would be nice to have more than one applicant to choose from. He is in favor of Diaz though. Passes 7-0.
Actions pertaining to Shared Mobility Devices (electric scooters). six-month pilot Franchise Agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno A representative from Lime Katie Stevens. Lime is across the world.
Most trips are under five miles. People who choose this over cars. Equity:
income rates available. Geocaching can be used to prevent scooters on campus etc. They hire local. She is from Clovis and will be available for any questions. Mel Dina who represents disabled. Would like a clear grievance procedure when 6-month period is up. Would like to see
a way to post photos to FresGo App of scooters blocking sidewalks so we can see how it will effect disabled. @PaulCaprioglio thinks scooters should be distributed throughout the city. Fresno State and Fashion Fair want to no be geocaches out of scooter range. Knows these can be
dangerous. Why should city charge for using our infrastructure? Any pending insurance claims if incoming shares mobility companies. ? Want PD involved too. Doesn’t want City involved in any lawsuit. He will vote NO. Makes a motion anyway. Chavez seconds. Arias: six month pilot
covers? Schaad: already geocaches Fashion Fair and Fresno State. Cautions not being too specific in ordinance or we will be back at Council often. Schaad said we intend to put this throughout Fresno but Lime will be placed where it is marketable. @District5Chavez whatever we do
here doesn’t interfere with other’s districts. @D7Esparza how do we pick providers? Schaad: Lime for 6-months. After will open it up to all providers but cautions ultimately only picking a few. Bird model is not one we prefer as they just dumped scooters on street. Lime was only
other to approach. Esparza: if Campuses and Fashion Fair is geocached out that will take away marketability of scooters other than Tower or Downtown. He won’t be in favor of Caprioglio’s amendment for that reason. Schaad says private owners will make decision on campus or malls.
They are open to having them left at periphery. Esparza has seen parking areas on other campuses. Schaad: perhaps restaurants will allow them? @PaulCaprioglio Fresno State has Bulldog Express already and this may hurt that. Arias: how does geocaching work? Esparza: respectfully
disagree with Caprioglio. Market will decide. @Esmeralda_Soria she represents an area that represents Fresno City College. @DrGoldsmith777 Has told Soria that they also want to have scooters left on periphery. Tower District would be a good spot. Would like Safety taught and hel-
-mets. @GarryBredefeld a friend in Nashville says it is a good way to get around. The scooters do get beat up laying around. How to prevent that? A:can’t ride on sidewalks. Also some companies require a photo showing the scooter is stored correctly when done. People can let city
know if scooter left blocking sidewalk. They will Be impounded. Bredefeld: why do some areas want to geocache there area? Pedestrian and vehicle interaction as well as disabled being blocked. Bredefeld will give the six month trial period. Stevens from Lime: audit how rider
left scooter. Lime can then tell them how to park. @kmkarbassi there is a concern about scooters. We will incorporate changes as needed. He also jokes he thought he heard Esparza say Bruins were better than Bulldogs 😜 Arias Thanks Schaad for helping drag Fresno into the 21st
Century. This will help with pollution. Passes 7-0.
OCTOBER 24, 2019 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING OCTOBER 31, 2019 - NO MEETING 

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