Me : Bizarre question. They'll tend to give you "safe" hands, middle of the road, rather dull choices i.e. no Jobs, Bezos, Zuckerbeg .... more Meh, Who, Snooze. That's ok, boring can be good and it's sometimes what you need.
Me : Hmmm, risk is something we percieve. If you can think clearly about a space then what seems obvious to you looks like an incredible gamble to others. Fine for startups, less so for publicly traded large Corps ... loss aversion.
Me : It's about clarity of thought, charting a direction in troubled waters and using all your resources to effect. Peactime CEOs in such positions tend to reach for cost cutting and cause the spiral of doom.
Me : Not like Cook and nowhere near as good as Bezos. Jobs had clarity in a product space and quite a bit of luck.
Me : ... was. And that would be Deng Xiaoping. Followed by Sun Tzu.