Feels good, yeah?
Some of you are at the end of your day, others the middle, and to be honest I've only been up for a couple of hours.
But it still feels good.
t0 r0 t1 r1 t2 r2
A lot of folks stop thinking about rhythm right there, and they think that's the limit of it as a concept. Straight sequences like that are really "meter", or "beat", not the fullness of rhythm.
t0 t1 r1 t2 r2 r0
See that? two tensions, 0 and 1 start, and one of them is released, then another whole t&r, then a final r.
Can you do too many r's in a row? Yes. It's much less common, no clever name, but it amounts to a kind of creative desert, and endless boring horizon.
People are listless. They seem indifferent. They're not having fun. They're working barely enough to get by. Turnover is rampant. Every interaction becomes money.
Rhythm is about how and when that supply is distributed to me.
Have a cool organic rhythmic Sunday!