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#SCANLU #lancastersu #agm

The FTO's PTO's, Student trustees all introduce themselves before we start.
Callum has also noted for those in attendance to please use jazz hands instead of clapping as it is more inclusive.
The proposer of motion can speech for two minutes, amendments can be debated for a further two minutes. Once all have been brought forward, there will be a larger debate before voting 👍
Hannah, @LUSUVPUD, highlights that this wasn’t a political decision.
A third motion from the floor asks why the order of the motions changed altogether, especially the climate change emergency.
- The ticketing system was unnecessary
- The bylaws talk about 3 separate venues should be used
- Delays in publication, paper copies of agenda only available this morning.
- These changes so close to the meeting is unnecessary.
If students want it, then it should be kept, it’s profitable. ‘Bizzare secrecy’ should be ended, sugarhouse task group, nobody has heard of it.
A student who works at Sugar: "What is your plan to support us, because we won't be able to fund ourselves otherwise. This is not a democracy; it's disgusting. You're ignoring the fact that adults need jobs."
They are not here to speak against the motion; there are things we can and cannot do because of charity legal framework. They make the decision that they think is the best as individuals.
When they are on the board as a trustee, they decide what they think is the best as an individual. If we think the offer on the table for an asset is in the best interest of the charity, this is how we have to act.
"On the point of staff jobs, the union tries to make sure there are jobs for students and off-campus. Our job as trustees is to act in the interest of the charity... We are not here to provide jobs, not in the education act.
The SU saying acting in the best interest of the charity, they’re supposed to be providing social and recreational activities which they are not if closing sugar.
In room- Nearly everyone in favour - 1 in abstain.
919 voted to approve, 10 to reject, 9 to abstain for proxy vote.
Tim Cartmel JCR President seconding motion as are all JCR Presidents except Grizedale.
The Fylde president states that it is of paramount importance for SU to represent the student body, they need to respect the referendum result SU, so needs to be binding
A student has asks Graeme Osborn: do you think its right to have a SU that can overturn anything it wants? Would this be right for a county?
"What’s the point, this isn’t a democracy. You’re a SU, represent the students."
We don't care what happens to the site of Sugar if we sell it. We haven’t decided to enter negotiations to make it into accommodation, it’s not about this. We don’t want to sell it for flats.
We can't be bound by the referendum due to charity law.
Ryan, who is seconding this motion, also adds, Sugar is so much more than of a nightclub, its part of the culture.
They have to balance the roles of trustee and FTO, but she wants the referendum to go ahead. "We should have involved students from the start."
She notes the PTO’s did not vote on sugarhouse.
"The board took a collective decision on 24 August to go into talks and chosen since then to suspend due to save our sugar campaign. The student voice should be taken into account.
They entertained sale because council concerns over housing around sugar, and they also looked at reasons to keep it open, including student intake, inclusivity. Lancaster only really has two nightclubs.
(Refers to article 4.8 on confidentiality)
George Osborn states that this doesn’t change decision, doesn’t also mean anything will change. They are in process of minutes being released as soon as possible.
Motion Passes.
"Does 23% mean anything to ourselves? It's how many SU members thought they were listened to, and the new SU president brought this down to single digits."
Why is nobody making a speech against this except Graeme?
Graeme is not a student, so can’t make speeches for/against.
Another student agrees that the referendum should be binding as 23.3.2 makes this law-abiding.
Another student raises that the people who aren’t students should be letting us have a say on we want. They should listen not to override us.
"It comes down to what you want us to do. It is not for me as a non-student to say what students do/don't want."
He also highlights he doesn't care what happens to the site.
Discussions into the money from sugar and what to do with it should be happening alongside negotiations to sell. We did not vote for any of the trustees you should not say what is best for us.
Hannah, FTO, reads out the motion on behalf of the students who submitted it.
As political leads, officers are allowed to take a stance on referendum sides. FTO officers should take a stance as political leads by the end of week 4.
One student states: If we have the money and we get asked what we want to do with it, we haven’t seen this before. Where is the money going when people want LGBT+ disability services. We have no jobs or no safe space, we don't know where to turn.
This motion passes.
PROXY- 934
Motion passes
And we're stright into procedural motion asking for 20 minutes discussion on the officer's point of view on the sugarhouse sale and votes. This has been differed to the allocated question time for FTO's.
Amy, County JCR President, wants live streaming of trustee board meetings. The board have made decisions were not in our best interests. No one knows the trustees, but they decide for us.
"We don't want the money we want sugarhouse."
Would also like SU President what he thinks of this motion.
Jenna and Kathy as trustee members highlight that they are students and are volunteers to sit on the trustee board. Within two clicks on SU board, you can find out who they are.
Hannah voted to keep sugar open, and formally asked them to suspend sale along with George.
Students express that they would rather have the proposed heavily dedicated version of a live stream, would rather that than not at all.
Amy - Interesting that the FTOs are for transparency and that the others aren’t, they are careful with their words here tonight. The welfare of students LGBT, and disabled should be the priority, and what can we gain that is so good compared to all of that.
Cameron is speaking on behalf of Robert.
The trustee board has a vacancy for an undergrad student, but this has not been well advertised.
Jenna states why this recruitment hasn’t gone ahead yet is due to logistics, and have to have certain people represented to do all interviews.
Make a brew everyone, we're carrying on going until 9:30pm
By @LUSUVPEducation
The union took a neutral position previously on industrial action, wants the decision to be based on an informed decision.
PG student states that motion doesn’t mention PG students who teach UG. We don’t have enough time to mark your work, affecting your time at university. Gender and racial pay gaps are making higher education inaccessible.
@LUSUVPEducation highlights it would be premature to approve this as students should be consulted first, and this issue should go to referendum.
Bee states she wanted opinions and discussion. We need to ask more students what we think; changing the motion to approval is a problem.
Procedural motion was withdrawn.
Motion passes.
Jack O'Dwyer Henry to propose:
It is essential to discuss this as an imminent emergency, climate change. The motion asks for students to take a radical change for University, to stop funding companies that use fossil fuels.
One student recognises urgent issues of climate change but doesn’t like the idea of cutting all ties with Barclays. Santander also on campus which contributed to this issue. Plus working people will be affected.
Santander also put a lot of money into internships for students at the uni that would otherwise be unpaid.
Another states that Lancaster is number one in the country for graduate prospects so scaring off such a big employer could be catastrophic.
Motion passed.
The union is promoting housing companies like Caton Court. The view of the motion is that LUSU has a full track record of housing companies, and they should be opposing high living costs.
There is a procedural motion that the motion should go straight to a vote which passes.
Motion passes
The proposer states:
There is a lack of democracy in our SU and accountability, which needs to be addressed. This asks to set up a university council to elect a trustee board and elected trustees
There is a motion against as there needs to be a discussion about these boards; it is not something that we rush into before we make any discussion.
The procedural motion passes.
Motion passes.
Proposed by @LUSUVPUD
The motion asks to increase student input in how union budgets are spent, has more budget left, budgets committee with representation with people from societies, clubs, JCRS, and for how officers spend money.
Motion passes.
Trustee's highlight that there is no specific breakdown because these charts do not take into account JCR's and University spending on services. It is not an accurate representation.
Well done to our colleaguesat @LA1TV and @bailrigg_fm
Have a good night everyone.