, 80 tweets, 52 min read Read on Twitter
I’m at the @NLC #WeVoteToo Millennial Town Hall and will live tweet the Q&A! Follow this thread.

First up: @JulianCastro
Later: @CoryBooker
Tomorrow: @PeteButtigieg
.@JulianCastro says his vision is we are 1 nation with 1 destiny and that destiny is we are the smartest, healthiest, fairest, and most prosperous nation on earth. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@JulianCastro’s vision for what this means includes passing the ERA, protecting a women’s right to choose, living wage, and more. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@JulianCastro cites values of basic respect for each other, compassion, understanding, belief in county, family, faith. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
We’re onto questions. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
What is your position on the death penalty?

@JulianCastro says we need to abolish the death penalty. Cites that system skews against people of color and the death penalty is just wrong. Says he would abolish the death penalty. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question is how do you deal w/ millennials having no upward mobility.

.@JulianCastro says his education plan includes making higher education universal with job training and certification programs. Also student loan debt relief.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@JulianCastro continues with many more policies including affordable housing and safety net to address issues such as employers not providing retirement plans and many people being independent contractors.
#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is about how he will address pay equity between men and women but especially for women of color.

.@JulianCastro is emotional recounting how his mother lost her hair and doctors attributed it to stress. The wage gap isn’t just a # on a page. It impacts people.
.@JulianCastro’s solutions include passing ERA and strong legislation for employers to pay women equally that is a carrot (eg incentivize employers that do and penalize employers that don’t). #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Follow up Q: how do you pass those laws in a world of Mitch McConnell?

@JulianCastro says he envisions a future Democrat majority in Congress. But if that doesn’t happen he will do everything possible under the executive authority. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question: how do we reverse the trend of loss of wealth in communities, especially communities of color, following the housing crisis.

@JulianCastro cites HUD reforms to help people stay in homes. Also says hold Wall Street more accountable for their actions. #WeVoteToo
He continues by citing the need for robust wealth building strategies through programs such as FHA. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question: how would you balance border security with humanity crisis impacting immigrants.

@JulianCastro has a ‘People First’ immigration plan. Can maintain border security.... lists hella stuff we have currently at the border...

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“I ask people to choose compassion and common sense.” - @JulianCastro

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Part of his plan involves having a separate court system to handle immigration cases.

Decriminalize when people cross the border to treat it the way it was under Reagan, Bush, etc.

Also suggests measures so people can find security & opportunities at home.

“I want to guarantee that no future administration is as cruel as this administration.” - @JulianCastro

“Donald Trump has not been bashful in his cruelty so why would we be bashful with our common sense and compassion.” - @JulianCastro

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“You’re already paying for the healthcare of undocumented people.... it’s called the emergency room.” - @JulianCastro

Reminds the room that these ARE people who pay taxes— property taxes, payroll taxes, etc.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Specific ideas are updating our visa system and increasing the number of refugees we accept into our country.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question: How would you address issues of health care before they crush our generation?

@JulianCastro: Medicare for all... who want it. Says Medicare is the base but then people have the ability to have private health insurance if they want it.
#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“The difference between healthcare and health insurance is the denial letter telling you why you can’t have healthcare.” - @JulianCastro

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
He goes on to say he would close patent loopholes that allows companies to protect their drugs from becoming generic.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“We need to end the distinction between physical health care and mental health care.” - @JulianCastro

Room erupted for that one.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is what will he do to address the maternal mortality disparity between black women and white women.

@JulianCastro says:
- incentivizing hospitals to improve
- investing in prenatal care
- holding hospitals accountable for differences with penalty

.@JulianCastro notes the biases of providers of taking health concerns of black women seriously. Says we need to increase the diversity of the providers.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is as a working dad how do you juggle raising a family?

As the room stops cheering for the question.... @JulianCastro gives his wife, Erica, big props. As well as his mother and MIL for making it possible for him to do this.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
And that’s the last question for @JulianCastro. Tune back in for @CoryBooker at 330PM.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
There’s been a 20-30 min delay. Live tweeting will start as soon as @CoryBooker takes the stage. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
That moment when @CoryBooker appeared a little too early and foiled his own grand entrance. 🤣

Wait.... did I just see him give snaps???? Okay.... okay I see you.
Welcome to the stage...... @CoryBooker. After he gives opening comments we’ll dive into questions. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“Boy you got more degrees than the month of July but you ain’t hot.” - what @CoryBooker’s dad said to him

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@CoryBooker says you can’t lead the people if you don’t love them. Says we live in an era where people mistake wealth with worth and popularity with purpose. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“What you say about other people is more of a reflection of who you are than who they are.” - @CoryBooker

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“Patriotism is love of country and you can’t love your country if you don’t love your fellow countryman.” - @CoryBooker

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@CoryBooker says do not underestimate the moral crisis we are in this country but don’t think it starts and ends with one man in one office.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 1: what will you do to ensure our democracy is not infringed upon by foreign entities?

@CoryBooker says as a senator there are bipartisan bills trying to go through but McConnell won’t allow it to the floor for a vote.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
He goes on to say that he will fight from his position but movements come from the grassroots. It comes from people.

He says as President he will see this as a real threat. He cites history of USSR trying to break us down from within.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@CoryBooker says we need common sense ideas that make voting a deeper part of our culture such as making it a national holiday.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question: as President what would you do to address the lack of upward mobility available for millennials?

@CoryBooker says make an opportunity economy that works for everyone. Cites his baby bond legislation— is starting all kids with a $1,000 bond at birth. #WeVoteToo
“I have a baby boomers body and a millennial soul.” - @CoryBooker
.@CoryBooker highlights that need for an opportunity economy by citing lack of diversity in Congress when he started. Specifically cites committee staffers and pension fund management. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is what will you do to address gun violence against unarmed citizens by police and hold police accountable.

@CoryBooker starts by talking about what he has done already: efforts around data transparency and body cam legislation.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@CoryBooker also brings up how police are put in situations where they are more likely to break such as responding to extremely traumatic calls and having to go to work the next day. Speaks on predictive data that supports this.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“I miss Obama. I miss Obama and I miss her husband too.” - @CoryBooker

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is what is your take on public funded charter schools.

@CoryBooker says he believes in public education. When he was Mayor of Newark, he looked for solutions that addressed the need in community. That meant addressing schools that weren’t performing. #WeVoteToo
Basically he painted a picture of the diversity of schools in Newark where they made common sense decisions that would work for that community. Says he will continue to fight against Republican efforts to privatize education.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
He said as President he would increase teacher salaries, hedge fund people should not pay less taxes than a teacher, fully fund special education in America, end school to prison pipeline, end bullying of LGBTQ+ kids.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
“We need to stop using a 19th century model in a 21st century economy.” - @CoryBooker
Yo.... he listed so many things he would do from universal pre-K to doula care to apprentice programs that @CoryBooker officially outspoke my live tweeting ability.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Follow up question is how will he address the need for teachers to walk out?

He says as President he wouldn’t need 60 votes in Senate. He would raise teacher salaries.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Follow up to the follow up is how do you make every classroom equitably looks the same?

His answer is that electing 1 person to office isn’t the change we need. It starts at the bottom in local and state legislatures.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@CoryBooker speaks on increasing voter participation with public voter file showing if you did/didn’t vote.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Next question is about how to help farmers.

@CoryBooker gives a really thorough summary of where things stand for farmers in America.

Policy suggestions include incentivizing things like soil preservation, various crops, etc. #WeVoteToo
Next question has to be a one word answer: last concert he went to.

@CoryBooker gave a sentence before landing on Bon Jovi.

Last show he watched on Netflix: Stranger Things 3.

Last album you listened to on your iPhone: “every morning I send my girlfriend a song....”

@CoryBooker out here teaching folks romance tips. 👀
LAST question....

Favorite talk show host: Gale King

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
And that’s a wrap! @PeteButtigieg is tomorrow. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Don’t forget, the #WeVoteToo Millennial Town Hall continues today with @PeteButtigieg around 3:50PM.

I’ll pick up this thread riiiiiight here.
Lolz. @PeteButtigieg says he gets a new gray hair every time he opens twitter. 😂😂😂

Anyway, time to get serious.
Mayor Pete starts out by listing all of the horrible things we millennials have grown up with being the “norm” including school shootings and climate change.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@PeteButtigieg is worried about his party saying “we’re going to go back to normal.” He says we wouldn’t be here if normal was working. He wants to reorient the party around values. #WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@PeteButtigieg doesn’t believe you’re free if you don’t have healthcare, have your reproductive rights dictated by policy, have a county clerk saying who you can marry, or are a black American threatened by the criminal justice system.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@PeteButtigieg says the real security threats to our country are gun violence and white supremacist violence.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Cites threats to our democracy including racial and partisan gerrymandering where politicians get to choose their constituents and the electoral college versus popular vote.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@PeteButtigieg calls for bolder answers with a more urgent timeline than he’s seen in his lifetime. We’re onto questions.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 1: what’s your North Korea policy as President?

@PeteButtigieg “Well I won’t be sending love letters to Kim Jung Un.”

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
He goes on to speak about an incremental path to denuclearization.

He says American values can’t drop out of our foreign policy. It always catches up to us. We have to lead more now than ever.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 2: how will you help millennials be financially secure and have opportunities for upward mobility?

@PeteButtigieg is speaking to changes w/ employment including portable pro-rated benefits that go with you and some benefits get de-coupled from employment. #WeVoteToo
Question 3: what would you do to ensure real mental healthcare parity?

@PeteButtigieg says we need a better pipeline of mental health providers and break the stigma of mental healthcare. Says it should be normal to get a mental health check up.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 4: what policies are you going to put in place specifically for the black LGBTQ+ community?

@PeteButtigieg cites high death rights and housing vulnerability as two major concerns. Cites his policy for “health equity zones” as a specific example.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Follow up question about HIV transmission and care.

His answer includes 1) access to health care 2) access and education about PReP 3) challenging drug patents

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 5 will be about education... what will you do to fund public education.

@PeteButtigieg acknowledges the question asker is an educator on school board and first of all... we need more of that.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
He says legislatively.... fund Title 1 schools, kids need food to be full when they learn, and professional development for teachers.

He says in other countries teachers are honored like military and paid like doctors.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Question 6 is asking about the lessons learned and how to move forward in light of the current situation in South Bend where Eric Logan, a black man, was shot by a white police officer.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
.@PeteButtigieg cites need to tear down the wall of mistrust b/w community & police.

Right now in South Bend they are inviting the community into evaluate their use of force policies, change application process for a board that has accountability authority...

... he goes on to talk about the need for conversations about race as a politician but he is also speaking to white officers about racism.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
I totally missed the fun one word questions because @PeteButtigieg actually kept them to 1 word but I now know his favorite color is blue.

#WeVoteToo #NLCFamily
Well that wraps up the @NLC #WeVoteToo Millennial Townhall! Hope you enjoyed the thread. I’ll unroll it below. 🖤
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