The MetLGBT+ Network is a staff association for colleagues, and we are inclusive of LGBT+. We want inclusivity for all our members, so the Met delivers a more inclusive service to all Londoners.
A recent tweet, written in personal capacity but from a Network account, misrepresented our position. It caused upset to some; we apologise for that. The person concerned has been dealt with & our processes were quick to identify issue & delete the offending tweet.
The MetLGBT+ Network recognises there are different, and sometimes, opposing views on inclusivity and it’s impact on others. It is not our role to police or shut down debate - quite the opposite, debate helps inform our view to improve life for LGBT+ members.
We speak to groups with broad spectrum of views. Always our intent, in fullness of time, to talk with new LGB Alliance, some founders are contributors to existing equality. Happy to extend invitation of dialogue to @AllianceLGB here, but will also reach out separately. ENDS