Learn along the way.
Only 1 out of 10 can do this.
The scrappy ones
Be scrappy rather than overly intellectual.
A scrappy individual with awareness will build intellect along the way AND have results to show for it.
You will fail regardless.
Best to embrace it rather than run away from it.
It all comes down to reconfiguring your mindset... 👇
You sit on your ass, listen to lectures, study a ton, pass some exams & you are considered smart.
The scrappy school students are seen as troublesome or lazy.
Some are, sure.
But most are doers.
They don't like sitting down consuming information PRIOR to seeing the practical value.
Which is why it's hard to tame these individuals.
In school: You study what works & implement it.
In the real world: You find out what doesn't work & eliminate it.
But you need to shift your mindset in the real world.
'And if I don't?'
Then you will suffer from analysis paralysis.
You will fall for the trap of studying too much
You do this because of being programmed to study for an exam
But in the real world, there is not an exam outlined in a boundary
There are just a bunch of micro tests aka conflicts
They wear their fuck-ups like a badge of honor.
'And why would they do that??'
Because scappy people see fuckups as battle scars.
And you don't get battle scars by reading & studying a lot.
You get battle scars by doing, feeling the emotional pain of failing & rising above anyways.
Studying is important.
But you want to make sure you don't get caught up in it.
Let me share the wrong and right way to study.
1. Consume a lot of information.
2. Be afraid of making mistakes.
3. Confusing small problems as big problems due to lack of experience.
4. Desperately search for mentors to avoid failing.
5. Consume more.
1. Consume JUST enough information to begin.
2. Begin.
3. Fail, gather data. See what's important & what's noise.
4. Study what is important.
5. Attract potential mentors due to having skin in the game.
6. Gain more experience.
7. Teach.
They have:
-Emotional toughness
-Practical skillsets
-Ability to see the bigger picture
And most importantly.....results
In school, your teacher would tell you that there will be an exam on Friday at 3pm.
So you keep waiting for that due date in the real world.
Reality check.
Only YOU assign yourself the due date in the real world.
Find out what you want to get good in.
Scatch that.... get GREAT in.
And go all in.
Not half foot in & half foot out.
Go all in & commit to the process.
Go thru the hardships, continue to adapt & pass each challenge you're thrown.
The light awaits at the end of the tunnel.
Now grind away & have battle scars that no one can ever take away from you.
For more mindset tips, follow the homie @ArmaniTalks