ASSalamuAlaikom Wa RahmatuLLAHi Wa Barakatuh.
Indeed, It’s a great topic.
1️⃣ I think that the growing phenomenon of atheism globally is due to three reasons, two are fundamentals and the other is sub.
@Ctrl6 @BaruchPletner @DebbieAAldrich
A- The first fundamental reason is the inability of the religious moral & intellectual western system to cope with the arguments of atheism.
B- The sub-reason is the centrality of Western culture to the world from the Renaissance until today.
The crisis is deeply rooted in the cultural methodological foundations of the West, where the same crisis moved from Europe to the two Americas.
How on earth you would reject something that you have no clue about?
Thanks dear brother @Ctrl6 for the link.🌹
@threadreaderapp kindly unroll.🌹
لطفاً رتبها @Rattibha.🌹