Hi Su, Staff, Crew .@SandiaWisdom:
Imbedded link to Invitation (in a 7 Pt Twitter thread) for the P’nti and Elder Brother to a 2-day Conference Event of Importance:
You can find within this tweet:
— with links to all relevant details (event

poster below)
Su, the P’nti may wish to view these brief links to see and read what the Conference is about.
If possible (it seems to be) I’ll be there myself.
NOTE .@SandiaWisdom: There only ever was going to be — on this world — one way forward: In ..

perceived value of the (obsoleted model of the) “Holographic Universe” — association being as to *why* holography itself must end — or end the species (select of).
• forgottenorigin.com/123-completion…