~20 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Subconscious Mind 🤯~
You’re going through life aware & in control but then you flip out, burnout, self sabotage or spiral & you don’t know why.
Because your conscious is only responsible for 10% of your results

The subconscious or the unconscious mind is responsible for:
1. Storing your memories
2. Organizes all your memories
The unconscious mind organizes all the memories which are stored in the nervous system.
During our lives, we store & organize the memories along with the feelings and emotions that correspond with it
4. Represses memories w/ unresolved negative emotions
Bad memories are often repressed as a protection mechanism.They're filed away
This is what happens when you're triggered. Memories that have been repressed are then presented to release the trapped negative emotions.
6. May keep the repressed emotions repressed for protection
This is the mind-body connection
8. Preserves the body
This is why in moments of extreme danger your unconscious takes over and people often black out
The morality you were taught and accepted
10. Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow
This is why clarity and confidence in your goal setting is important & effective
The unconscious mind is in charge of filtering the massive amount of data that comes in & making it manageable for understanding by the conscious mind.
12. Generates, stores, distributes & transmits “energy”
In charge of the energy...
The unconscious mind is responsible for generating and maintaining both instincts and habits over time.
14. Needs repetition until a habit is installed
This is why you have to be consistent when you're changing your habits
This is why if you ask your subconscious to find a solution to a problem it actually will & also why after you hit a goal you're ready for your next challenge
16. Functions best as a whole integrated unit
Hates internal conflict
It creates and uses, and responds to symbols
18. Takes everything personally.
“Perception is projection.” What you see is who you are.
-Path of least resistance
20. Does not process negatives
-This is why you need to focus on what you want
Breaking down each of these w/ a technique you can use to improve your mindset. Catch my free training fwrdinstitute.com/the-six-figure…