A loose definition we have is to work on problems that affect large numbers of people, Initially, we set a threshold of 50 million people.
Mapunity’s primary axis for work is ‘instance-able, multi-stakeholder’ tech. I.e. build once, in a higly reusable way. This is the only way in which we can reach the benefits of tech widely, without major price barriers to development.
There is a peculiar thing about social problems - a lot of people think they understand them, and have opinions! This makes expertise and data even more important, without which unworkable ideas may gain acceptance.
A large city like ours cant respond fast enough to changes, because (a) government alone is expected to solve most problems, and (b) the capacity of the govt is low. Plus these problems grow exponentially!
It’s not fair to even expect that. Social enterprises must overcome an imbalance betn the state, market and society which is at the heart of our problems. This is not a burden we can expect young people to bear.
It’s easier to get retail investors interested than to get structured capital. There’s an element of ‘purpose’ in social goals, which is not yet part of VC world in India.
India will reach ‘middle income nation’ status in 55 years, at today’s rate of economic growth. A very large number of people will live thru avoidable suffering, unless we accelerate development and distribute its benefits more widely.