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Feb 6th 2023
#Dozens #dead in #Turkey, #Syria after powerful #earthquake | -2h
- "We fear that the deaths are in the hundreds," Muheeb #Qaddour, a doctor in the Syrian town of #Atmed, told the Associated Press.
"We are under extreme pressure."…
7.8 magnitude #earthquake kills at least eighteen in #Turkey, thirteen in #Syria
- Hundreds of buildings have collapsed and there are fears that the #deaths could be in the #hundreds.…
Powerful 7.8 #Quake Knocks Down Buildings in #Turkey, Syria | -2min
- The quake, felt as far away as #Cairo, was centered north of the city of #Gaziantep in an about 90 kilometers (60 miles) from the #Syrian border.…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
8 reasons why I wake up at 4:30 am

- A thread - Image
At the beginning of 2022, I decided to wake up at 4:30 am.

Like you probably now, I questioned the efficiency of waking up that early.

But wait till the end of this thread to comment your disapproval.

Here is why you need to wake up earlier:
1. No interruptions

• No kids yelling
• No phone calls
• Silence
Read 12 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
1) How I cured my #LongCovid in 3mos after suffering for almost a year. This was my last hope. I researched what #Covid does to the body, came up with a list of "clinically studied" supplements and...
2) took them all. Firstly, I am not a MD. In March 2021 I caught Covid while working as a #frontline #healthcare worker. My symptoms of #brainfog, #fatigue, #jointpain, #muscleweakness, morning #stiffness happened after my recovery. At the time, this #postcovid #syndrome was...
3) was just starting to be discussed online. The the term #Longhauler was coined. Those in the #ME, #CFS, #Lyme #MCAS #community starting speaking out about the similarity of #symptoms with #LC. #Covidclinics started to sprout up, include one at the....
Read 48 tweets
Apr 28th 2022
You might not know this, but you all, the entire Twitter universe, went on a walk with me this morning. Of course, you were inside my pocket ...

#morning #walk #Ruhr #Kettwig
2/ photo 🧵
3/ photo 🧵
Read 6 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
Do you feel that despite the huge amount of work that you put, you still are losing a lot of time and don't feel productive ?

Here's a morning route that which if followed can guarantee to save atleast 15 hours per week.

Thread below.🧵👇
// Meaningful productivity

Your best thinking  will actually happen while you’re away from your work, “recovering.” By taking your mind off work and actually recovering, you’ll get creative breakthroughs related to your work.
// The first 3 hours of your day

The first 3 hours of your day are the most precious ones where you'll have the potential to be highly productive.

Your brain is most attuned to the first thing in morning alongside high energy levels.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
#India is home to many storytelling #traditions. Each artform narrates a beautiful #story.

In this #series, we bring to you the different modes of #storytelling.

The first in the series is #Kolam.
In this post, #Kolam is drawn by expert Hema Kannan @lotus_shakti. She very beautifully has drawn a cradle & Krishna's little feet popping out of it. This elaborate Kolam aesthetically narrates the story of Janmashtami. This is the power of Kolam & the stories it carries with it.
#Kolam #art is drawn using rice flour, as per age-old conventions, on any flat surface using bare fingers. The #pattern begins with a #series of #dots that are interconnected with each other through #geometric #lines & #curves.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
[Thread] Sì, si stanno dimettendo un sacco di persone. Oggi su #morning @francescocosta racconta un articolo di @massimogaggi sull'aumento di dimissioni negli USA. Sono andato a vedere qualche numero sull'Italia e in effetti i dati sono interessanti 👇
Qui l'articolo originale di Gaggi:…. News del genere erano in giro già da un po' di tempo… (segnalato di @davidallegranti qualche settimana fa)
Veniamo all'Italia: qualche giorno fa sono usciti i nuovi dati del @MinLavoro sulle Comunicazioni Obbligatorie, relativi al II trimestre 2021. Se mettiamo in fila i numeri scopriamo un aumento importante di dimissioni in aprile-giugno 2021. Si toccano picchi mai raggiunti
Read 9 tweets
Sep 9th 2021


Ilianza kama utani Mzee Condé hakuamini kijana wake mwenyewe aliyemlea, mwenye masters ya vita na cheo akampatia alipomwambia "simama juu hlf ukae chini" Unadhani ilikuwa rahisi kumpindua? Naam It's #Guinea:1958-Present👇
Sikuweza kuandika Uzi yalipotokea mapinduzi ktk nchi nyingine mbalimbali, lkn kwa yaliyotokea jumapili nchini Guinea nimeona niandike ili Watanzania tuone km kuna lolote la kujifunza. Nitaangazia upande wa kisiasa tu. Nitachambua kila kitu kuanzia uhuru hadi kutokea mapinduzi.
Maswali nayotaka kukujibu km ulijiuliza ni haya:👇

💨Historia ya Guinea ikoje?

💨Kwnn mpk mapinduzi?

💨Col. Doumbouya ana nguvu gani

💨Kwann wananchi wamefurahia?

History repeats itself, 1st as Tragedy, second as Farce.
Just retweet 🔄 huenda siku
Uzi huu ukakukumbusha kitu
Read 211 tweets
Aug 8th 2021

Happy Sunday, beloved children of God! 🌅☀️
As we wrap up our series on “Forgiveness of Self”, we find ourselves in John 14.
John 14 deals with the well known truth of Jesus being “the way, the truth, and the life.” Internalizing this truth has far-reaching impact in the life of a believer.
Our focus text comes to us from verse 27. Here, Jesus bestows on us, His magnificent GIFT OF PEACE OF MIND. He tells us that though He must physically depart the Earth, He’ll LEAVE HIS OWN PEACE with us.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 7th 2021

Happy Saturday, beloved family! I hope your weekend has been off to an excellent start! 🌅☀️❤️
Our focus text for today, comes to us from Romans chapter 8, which focuses on life in the Spirit.

In verse 1, we have THE blessed assurance from God, that there is indeed NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS.
To be “in Christ Jesus” means that He dwells within us, & us within Him. We are ONE.
So, by sending His own son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, God made sure that there is NO CONDEMNATION for us.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 6th 2021

Blessed Friyay morning to you all, beloved children of God! 🌅☀️❤️
Our focus today will be within 1st John , chapter 3. This chapter deals EXCLUSIVELY with our identities as children of God. We are encouraged to strive to be a people of ethical integrity & to live a life that is reflective of our spiritual identity.
In verse 20, we are reminded of the truth that God is actually GREATER THAN OUR HEART. People of God, this is a quite profound assertion! 🤯🤯🤯
Read 18 tweets
Aug 5th 2021

Good Morning, Apples of God’s Eyes!
Today’s focus text comes to us from Exodus 34. This chapter deals with God’s renewal of his covenant with the Moses & the people of Israel.
In verse 7, we see God’s character ever so clearly. He states that He keeps His steadfast love & covenant THROUGH A THOUSAND GENERATIONS. Beloved people, that is a LONGGGGGG TIME! Who among us can fathom A THOUSAND GENERATIONS??
Read 11 tweets
Aug 4th 2021

Happy Wednesday, beloved children of The Most High God. 🌅☀️❤️ Image
Today’s focus text comes to us from the book of Isaiah, chapter 54. Isaiah 54 focuses largely on God’s everlasting love for ALL of His people & how this love HEALS ALL our sorrows. This, however, hinges on our CHOICE to abide in Him, on HIS terms, & not on our own.
Isaiah 54:10 paints a glorious picture of God’s steadfast love for us! 😍
Can you imagine mountains departing & hills being removed? What a sight that would be! How intense would that be?
Is it even likely that such a thing could happen?
Read 11 tweets
Jul 18th 2021
We have a serious emergency.

Late this afternoon we were contacted by a senior named “Helen”. She only had one meal left in her kitchen.

She called us for help and we are helping.

We will be using the last of our available funds to get her some much needed groceries. #YYC #YEG
We will hopefully be giving her enough groceries for an entire month so she doesn’t have to worry about having to choose between medications/food, food/electricity, food/rent.

Too many #Calgarians are being ignored and forgotten. Too many #Calgarians are afraid to ask for #help.
We need help. If anyone can help with a donation towards her food hamper, we will be here for about 2 more hours because we are shopping for four seniors tonight.

You can help by donating by any of the options ⬇️ #Donate #community #donations #DisabilityTwitter #BeKind #Alberta
Read 19 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
Hard Hitting Realities of Laweypora #HMT #SrinagarEncounter for those who will try their best to draw a parallel between #Amshipora and #Laweypora.
A #Thread.
#SrinagarEncounter #Kashmir
#Lawaypora was a joint #operation launched by parties of #JKP, #Army & CRPF based on specific #intelligence about the presence of #terrorists in the Lawaypora area.
Based on intelligence input, cordon was laid & all the standard operating procedures were followed.
The #operation was conducted right besides the NH44 under full #media glare of both #national & regional media. The operation lasted for 18 hours in the thickly populated area with heavy traffic & numerous houses in the vicinity that had direct view of the entire #encounter site.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
Work from Home – Things to Remember

#COVID19 pandemic has put us in an unprecedented situation. There are no guidelines provided, no predetermined rules to follow, nothing to look up to, but we are humans and we know how to tackle an emergency, we know how to convert Image
a disaster into an opportunity. Below are some of the things that you can follow to keep yourself healthy and happy.

Give yourself time:
As you are forced to work from home, why not utilise this time to brush off your hobbies? I am sure you wanted to do a lot of things
that you couldn’t due to lack of time. Now is the chance. Don't use too much #socialmedia but give more time to speak to ur friends.

Health is the most important thing you can care for during this pandemic. While working, keep proper posture; don’t forget to walk
Read 9 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
#crazy Useless #patient

Middle-aged man, loves his #family, #farming, drives a cab, #happy. Son & wife at #home. Father-son relationship strong as rock. One #morning, son finds father mumbling to self. Mother says he hardly slept
Mumbling becomes angry ramblings. #Clinical LAENNEC WAS TAUGHT THE IMPO...
Has very little #breakfast. Walks excessively. Goes and lies down, only to get up and walk again. Family interactions little. Sleeps well for 2 hours from 12 to 2PM. Lunchtime. Groggy #father gets on the lunch table and defecates near plates and food. Son and mother aghast.
Father has gone mad. Calls the friendly neighbor, brings his car, rushes to #Medical specialty #clinic nearby. Father disoriented. Son gets the Fword from his own father multiple times, he is shocked! Then comes hurling of abuses after which they restrain him in the car.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
Read 239 tweets

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