These are the 31 Congressional Districts (below) that Democrats flipped in 2018 and that @POTUS won in 2016. Call them as well as your Representative regardless of what party they represent.

Tucson office: 928-304-0131
Flagstaff: 928-286-5338
Casa Grande: 520-316-0839
D.C 202-225-3361
Vote NO on impeachment!

@RepLucyMcBath @lucymcbath
Atlanta Office: 470-773-6330
D.C Office: 202-225-4501
@sendavidperdue 👈🏻FYI Senator, Soros funded progressive socialist organizations have an event scheduled outside of your district office the night before the House votes.

@RepUnderwood @LaurenUnderwood
D.C office: 202-225-2976
West Chicago: 630-549-2190
Woodstock Office: 630-549-2190
Multiple protests planned in Chicago!
Republicans show up and support our President. No on impeachment!…
@CheriBustos @RepCheri
D.C Office: 202-225-5905
Peoria: 309-966-1813
Rock Island: 309-786-3406
Rockford: 815-968-8011
We do not support this impeachment sham! Vote no!

@RepFinkenauer @Abby4Iowa
D.C Office: 202-225-2911
Cedar Rapids: 319-364-2288
Dubuque: 563-557-7789
Waterloo: 319-266-6925
Seems Abby has already decided to support impeachment without looking at the evidence. Time to vote her out in 2020! No bribe! No crime!

Please be aware that these Soros funded trouble makers do NOT speak for all 🇺🇸

@DaveForIowa @daveloebsack
Iowa City Office: 319-351-0789
Davenport: 563-323-5988
D.C Office: 202-225-6576
Everyone on the call has denied a crime, bribe, and quid pro quo! End the sham & vote NO on impeachment.

@Axne4Congress @RepCindyAxne
D.C Office: 202-225-5476
Council Bluffs: 712-890-3117
Creston: 641-278-1828
Des Moines: 515-400-8180
No proof of crimes, bribes, quid pro quo! Vote NO on impeachment.

@golden4congress @RepGolden
Bangor Office: 207-249-7400
Caribou: 207-492-6009
Lewiston: 207-241-6767
D.C: 202-225-6306
All witnesses have said under oath, no crime, no bribe, no quid pro quo!

@RepSlotkin @ElissaSlotkin
D.C office: 202-225-4872
Lansing & Rochester Hills phone number: 517-993-0510
Stop the impeachment sham and vote NO when the House votes on impeachment! No impeachable offense has been found.

@RepHaleyStevens @HaleyLive
D.C District Office: 202-225-8171
Livonia Office: 734-853-3040
Put an end to the impeachment circus! Get back to work for the American citizens. Vote NO on the vote.

@AngieCraigMN @RepAngieCraig
D.C Office: 202-225-2271
Burnsville Office: 651-846-2120
Call & tell her no on impeachment! She has a Town hall scheduled Saturday!
Republicans show up!
She is a Soros recipient via Emily’s List! Vote her out in 2020!

DC Office: 202-225-2165
Detroit Lakes: 218-847-5056
Marshall: 507-537-2299
Redwood Falls: 507-637-2270
Thief River Falls: 218-683-5109
Willmar: 320-235-1061
*Collin voted no on the impeachment inquiry and knows this is bullshit by the D’s.

@SusieLeeNV @RepSusieLee
DC Office: 202-225-3252
Las Vegas Office: 702-963-9336
Please vote no when the House votes on impeachment! This circus needs to end!

@ChrisPappasNH @RepChrisPappas
D.C Office: 202-225-5456
Dover: 603-285-4300
Manchester: 603-935-6710

D.C Office: 202-225-6572
Mays Landing: 609-625-5008
Please continue to vote no on this impeachment joke! Thank you!

@AndyKimNJ @RepAndyKimNJ
D.C Office: 202-225-4765
Tom Rivers: 732-504-0490
Willingboro: 856-703-2700
End the impeachment witch-hunt! Vote NO when the House votes.

@JoshGottheimer @RepJoshG
DC: 202-225-4465
Vote NO when the House Votes

@RepSherrill @MikieSherrill
D.C Office: 202-225-5034
Parsippany: 973-526-5668
Let the voters decide in 2020! End the impeachment witch-hunt and vote no!
Get back to work for the American people.

This seat is #5 on Republicans list to flip in 2020! Make her a 1 term Representative. Vote NO on impeachment vote when House holds the vote.
D.C 202-225-2365
Belen: 505-966-2751
Las Cruces: 575-323-6384
Roswell: 575-578-6120

@MaxRose4NY @RepMaxRose
DC office: 202-225-3371
Staten Island: 718-667-3313
Brooklyn: 718-306-5500

EVERY WITNESS TESTIFIED NO QUID PRO QUO, NO BRIBES, NO CRIMES! End the impeachment sham! Vote no when the House holds the vote!
DC 202-225-5441
Newburg: 845-561-1259

@repdelgado @DelgadoforNY19
Representative Delgado is having a Town Hall December 8! REPUBLICANS THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO SHOW UP AND HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE! End the impeachment witch-hunt!
DC Office: 202-225-5614
Kingston: 845-443-2930

@RepBrindisi @ABrindisiNY
Republicans have listed this as #4 seat to flip in 2020!
Anthony time to get back to working for all Americans! Vote no on impeachment when House holds the vote!
D.C: 202-225-3665

@HornForCongress @RepKendraHorn
This district is #2 on Republicans list to flip to red in 2020! Will Kendra be a 1 term MOC and help us flip this seat by voting for the impeachment sham?
DC Office: 202-225-2132
Oklahoma City: 405-602-3074

Representative Cartwright recently stated “he didn’t run for office to impeach @POTUS”
Great news! Vote no! End the impeachment sham and get back to working for we the people!
DC: 202-225-5546
Scranton: 570-341-1050

@RepConorLamb @ConorLambPA
D.C office: 202-225-2301
Pittsburgh office: 412-344-5583
Monaca: 724-206-4860
Vote NO! No crime, no quid pro quo, no bribe! End this sham.

@JoeCunninghamSC @RepCunningham
Conman Cunningham ran on “LowCountry over party”! This District is #3 on Republicans priority list to flip back to RED!
Hold his feet to the fire! Progressives have a rally planned at his office night before house vote

#1 Seat Republicans are targeted to flip in 2020!
@RepBenMcAdams @BenMcAdams
DC office: 202-225-3011
West Jordan: 801-999-9801
Tell Ben not to be a 1 term MOC! Vote NO on impeachment!

@KindforCongress @RepRonKind
DC office: 202-225-5506
La Crosse office: 608-782-2558
Eau Claire: 715-831-9214
Vote no on impeachment when House votes!

I do appreciate his honesty. Read this article.…
@cindyseestruth alerted us to donations from @RepAdamSchiff to DEMOCRATS THIS YEAR?!! Paying for votes? Guess who did not get $... @collinpeterson 🤔

Hold their feet to the fire, call, tweet, and email them until the House holds a vote on impeachment. Thank you.