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Jan 10th 2023
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
Für diejenigen, die #Politik in den #USA nicht regelmäßig verfolgen, eine kurze Einordnung zu Kevin #McCarthy, der gerade im 15. Anlauf (awkward) zum Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt worden ist. McCarthy gilt als Vertreter des "moderaten" Flügels der #GOP - im
Gegensatz zum (komplett frei drehenden) Rechtsaußenflügel um Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt #Gaetz, Lauren #Boebert, Ted #Cruz usw.
In diesem Kontext ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass McCarthy absolut nicht mit moderaten Konservativen der Vor-Trump-Zeit vergleichbar ist, etwa
Senator John McCain oder auch nur George W. Bush (der allerdings aus anderen Gründen - *räusper* Irak, Folter *räusper* - ziemlich radikal war). Denn McCarthy hat sich wie kaum jemand sonst für seine eigenen Ambitionen in den Dienst Trumps und seines autokratischen Projekts
Read 9 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
5 sujets ou articles de l'actualité états-unienne qui ont retenu mon attention ce jour de l'An 2023.
#USNews #Actualités #EtatsUnis
("Happy New Year", date inconnue, NYPL)
1. 2023, année terrible pour #Trump ? L'AP liste les enjeux pour l'ex-président entre les menaces d'enquête, de mises en examen et les rivalités qui s'exacerbent avec ses rivaux.…
2. Dans le @nytimes @nickconfessore nous livre le portrait (acide) d'Elise #Stefanik l'élue républicaine qui monte au Congrès. Ex-modérée, convertie au trumpisme, #Stefanik en a tiré de grands profits. Ses anciens amis ne la reconnaissent plus...…
Read 6 tweets
Jan 15th 2021

With Real Lawyers Steering Clear, Trump May Have to Settle For Rep. #GOPJordan as Impeachment ‘Attorney’

Essentially all respectable law firms and attorneys preferring to distance themselves from a president

Now facing accusations that he incited an insurrectionist riot at the U.S. Capitol, Congressional Republicans have been discussing the prospect of Reps. #GYMJordan and #EliseStefanik representing #Trump at his impeachment trial


Neither Stefanik nor Jordan has ever been a practicing attorney

#GYMJordan graduated from #Ohio’s Capital University Law School in 2001, but subsequently decided not to sit for any states’ bar exam

#Stefanik graduated with a degree in government from Harvard
Read 4 tweets

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