Here’s a history and overview. #OneVoice1 🧵

You’re absoforkintootly right.
At a certain point, corps—money aggregates—get large enough to “bend” the markets. They have gravity.
I call them Death Stars of Capitalism.
Watch and see.
Every time a bubble pops a monopoly is born.
Enter the FDA, these other corrupted regulatory agencies… the Drumpf administration.
They did it again in 2008.
Now their shit’s gone into overdrive.
It’s where the money is. It’s the Big Game.
You rly think 45 gives AF about CBD?
Now the big boys want their piece. They’ll either burn the stores (punitive regs) or smash windows.
Right now they’re squeezing out small players to make room for the big boys.
Only the big boys will remain, just like the internet.
Think that’s a coincidence?
Online poker was a multibillion dollar—and growing—industry. You remember the fad. But there’s only so much gamblin money.
Emerging businesses.
And it’s happening again. The big boys control mass media.
Buy low, sell high.
That’s it. It’s not a fkin conspiracy, it’s business.
It’s *all* business to them—the whole damn world is business to them.
All that shit got swallowed by preexisting entities: banks, the fed gov, and so it gets slushed into hedge funds to make that money work.
*Our* money.
Know who else followed suit? The Russians. They launder money to CLEAN it. Well what do you think they do w/ it then?
They make that money WORK.
Well these jackal-vulture fools don’t give a single F. Money attracts money, it accretes just like pumped-up value.
Sound familiar?
•Dot Com Bubble total value: $6T
•Housing Bubble value lost: $10T
•Online Poker Market worth: $1T
That’s so many Ts you can call me Mr T. Woof! Now for today’s growth markets:
•Vaping Market: $30B*
•CBD (excluding cannabis): $22B*
*est. by 2022
The industries left to gobble up are becoming less and less, smaller and smaller. Eventually this will starve the beast. Our market economy requires unlimited growth. It will end.