We have all been educated in the last 3 years, to just how ugly and far reaching the deep state is. Now imagine both of those machines coming together. They always have been, but Eastwood👇
It paints a detailed picture of what the MSM, the left and the deep staters think about you and me.
Spoiler alert, they don't care for, or about us very much. They are the elites, and they 👇
This is a very critical time in our history. Our nation is on fire right now! It's a powder keg about to blow, and it's literally the fault of the MSM, the Globalist Deep Staters.
I assure you, they do not want this movie to be the rally cry for the American people 👇
I strongly recommend that every American that fears incompetent and over reaching government that erodes away our Constitutional Rights, go see this movie.
Make this movie the most important movie ever. God Bless America!