REALITY: In the seven quarters since the tax cuts became law, GDP growth has been the same as in the seven prior quarters—roughly 2.5%. #2YearsOfTCJA (2/7)

REALITY: Business investment has decelerated since the tax cuts became law, even contracting in the past two quarters. #GOPTaxScam (3/7)

REALITY: Growth in household income in the first year the tax cuts took effect lagged the prior three years, increasing just $550. #2YearsOfTCJA (4/7)

REALITY: The budget deficit is ballooning, and the tax cuts will add an estimated $1.9 trillion to the national debt. #GOPTaxScam (5/7)

REALITY: Personal income tax cuts were heavily weighted to the very wealthy. #2YearsOfTCJA (6/7)